The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

Commander Biden, President Joe Biden’s family dog, bit US Secret Service personnel in at least 24 incidents at the White House and other locations, according to new internal USSS documents obtained by CNN.


Well ive seen enough, this guy’s CLEARLY qualified to be president.


Who the fuck doesn’t put down a clearly BAD DOGGIE like this?

Who the fuck is going to take out the embedded Trumpster secret service agent and save the President?

Commander, that’s who.

Have you not seen White House Down or In The Line of Fire or Olympus has Fallen?

I have not seen either of those, no! They sound incredible though.


Hint. If there is something shady going down at the White House either chief of staff or the veep are in on it plus at least one secret service agent is some kind of mole or backup plan to take out the president.

Tom Scocca responds to Ezra Klein’s “what if we just wishcast Biden out of this election” episodes:


Obama wasn’t wrong to try. RBG tarnished her legacy badly. Imagine a world where she retired in 2013, and he picked a late 40s/early 50s progressive to replace her.

She didn’t tarnish her legacy, she obliterated it. She will be known exclusively for being a narcissistic self absorbed POS whose hubris resulted in disaster.


This is a very male centric point of view. To most liberal women she’s a hero.

I think even to most liberal women she’s a hero with a massive asterisk.

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Republicans about a week away from coming out against the pill and recreational sex. It’s already making the rounds from their more extreme strategists.

This is not a sentence I had on my bingo card, but the easiest path to victory may be for Biden to run on “Sex is fun, vote for me and I’ll keep the politicians out of your bedroom, so you can keep having recreational sex.”

“Boy, I’ve seen some politicians with sex scandals, but I’ve never seen a political scandal over a party being against sex being fun. These MAGA assholes want to ruin everything!”

“I always figured Republicans were lousy in bed, but that’s no reason to try to stop the rest of us from having fun!”


Rs gotta be getting high in their own supply here

when did you ask them

the weird thing is that the IVF thing didn’t even “energize the base” so it’s not clear what they’re getting high off of when they go down this path

it’s more like the “it’s less embarassing if I just keep doing the embarassing thing as if it were perfectly normal” syndrome

It moves the Overton window.