The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

Correct, but a) in not obvious from ethical first principles that this should be the case and b) in some situations there is.

I’m sure it’s not hard for them make a bad argument. It is hard for them to have a good one that is consistent with their other stated views.

Not really, we here call it “punishing the woman,” they would simply say woman X knowingly created this life and thus has a duty to protect it. Woman Y, as a rape or molestation victim, had this situation violently and heinously forced upon her and thus obviously has no such duty.

If you’re going with “knowingly”, then it makes no sense to apply the same logic to birth control failures.

Also I assume it means that in “consensual” incest, there is no abortion permitted.

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She just thinks it’s unconscionable to make a woman have her rapist’s baby. So I guess if you made her like break down the logic, she would probably come up with something along the lines of, “if you knowingly take the risk of conceiving, you’re morally responsible to protect the life of the unborn.”

On this issue there is a big difference between my personal moral views and my political views (aka I don’t think it’s right to impose my personal moral views on others). I also think it’s important to acknowledge as someone who never has been in that position on the male side and never could be in that position on the female side, that one’s personal moral views may suddenly be different when facing the actual situation - which makes imposing them on others even worse.

Like I don’t even think it’s right to impose my personal moral views on my wife, I trust that she would care about my opinion and ask for it and I’d give it and make it clear it was her choice and that I’d support her 100% no matter what she wanted to do.

As far as late-term, I think it’s reasonable to draw the line at viability and that the key is giving women enough time to discover they are pregnant, consult with their doctors, weigh their decision, and make their decision.

That said, the clip of Pete really may be the perfect response. Any woman carrying that pregnancy into the 7th, 8th, 9th month was almost certainly planning on having the baby. So it’s almost always going to be a devastating medical choice they’re making.

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It’s also similar to this weird Trumpian thing where saying it openly out loud means you’re not ashamed of it so it must be ok. Like, if it’s so far outside the Overton Window it’s unbelievable, then it must not be true.

It’s kind of like showing up to CPAC and announcing that you’re planning another insurrection and the end of democracy.

there are basically no known cases of someone just randomly deciding to get an elective abortion that late, there are basically no doctors who will do an elective abortion that late, and if it does happen once in a billion cases or whatever, it’s better than the alternative of making things harder for people who actually need it.


Seriously this. People who have never been pregnant are overwhelmingly out of touch with how much work it is to be pregnant. It’s not just a belly and lethargy, which, if we’re being fair, would be more than enough for most women to get an abortion ASAP if they had no intention of sticking through all this. But, like, pregnancy makes you shed hair. Your feet grow. Acne. You’re hot all the time. You pee all the time. You can’t sleep because there’s a little monster kicking your pancreas all the time, but you’re too tired to not sleep. You can’t breathe deeply because there’s not enough room for your lungs. Some foods you used to love now make you want to barf. After nine months of pregnancy, almost every pregnant woman is looking forward to the unimaginable pain and trauma of childbirth rather than be pregnant any longer. And if childbirth is starting to look like a good idea compared to being pregnant for longer, then “Oh, well, I guess I could get an abortion this week, but, like, I’ve got some TPS reports to turn in, and there’s a birthday party this weekend, and, oh, I was going to get coffee with Meg on Monday, and, geez, I guess I can’t fit that in for another 3 months!” just isn’t a thing. When it’s taxing you every minute of every day, you get that shit handled.

In todays Hopium content

Narrator: They lied.

10% of the vote counted, already 16.5K uncommitted votes in the Michigan primary. 16% of the vote so far.

Yeah Biden is turbofucked. There’s literally no position he can take that won’t alienate a chunk of the Democratic Party on the Israel/Hamas issue.

I think the turnout being higher is part of it. Like, the reason nobody turned out in 2012 was because the Democratic party knew Obama was the nominee and was happy with him as the nominee.

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Obama 2008: +16
Obama 2012: +10

Biden 2020: +3
Biden 2024: ?

If Biden is losing the same share Obama did, that’s not great for his chances.

So my theory was if the election is about abortion we win, if it’s about immigration, Trump wins. Abortion is polling at 2% or lower. Immigration is at 28%. Gallup poll.

And if you add up economy, inflation, and poverty, you get 29% and that is #1. Not good for Biden either. And “government” is currently Biden, so that’s not good. So basically the top 78% of responses are doom for Biden.

The media is going to blast caravan border crisis blah blah blah plus literally any crime committed an immigrant WAAF

“We had a chance to finally make progress on much-needed border security and Donald Trump said no. It’s the worst kind of cynical politics, Trump knew that any immigration reform this year would help Joe Biden so he ordered republicans to oppose their own bill. Any complaints about the “crisis” at the border should be seen for what they are, transparent political fear-mongering.”

Every Democrat who has a mic shoved in their face between now and November should read the above statement.

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Joe Biden is sad… that Mitch McConnell is stepping down.

He’s not wrong about this. :harold: