The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

well yeah, as much of a cretin as mcconnell is, the next guy is going to be even worse

But far less competent, which is good.

I wouldn’t assume that, most of the GOP senators aren’t incompetent clowns like the dipshits in the house

True, but Mitch was particularly effective. Might just be that he was hyper aggressive and the Dems kept folding, but it’s hard to imagine anyone being better at it. His monotonic turtle-like style also minimized news coverage of his bullshit.

I think the magic for mitch was that he was willing to push harder, break the norms, etc. Now that he’s done it, his successors won’t have any problem following in his footsteps.

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Joe Biden (and/or his social media team) thinks they’re getting a win here but they’re not. To the extent MAGA actually cares about the border, they care more about winning. If that means sacrificing a stated policy goal, even better, that just means Trump is fighting dirty. And the fact that he has the power to influence Congress even as a civilian is proof of his strength. Biden is oblivious to the game being played.

Ehhh Biden is never getting those votes anyway. This is an appeal to moderates.

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Dems have completely caved on the border for absolutely no reason.

I think they caved because the polling is so bad on it, but the reality is Dems are too scared to have an actual position there other than Republican Lite. Nobody is voting for that over the full calorie version, so they need to avoid it as a major campaign issue this fall.

They should be saying we need more legal immigrants for our economy and when we allow them, that will make it a lot easier to control the border.

The biggest problem with the current system is that the ones who are here pending asylum can’t work right away (because they need to get permission/papers/etc.), and since they want their claims to be approved, they don’t break the rules! Of course we’ll never change that stupid rule, so instead of a ready willing and able work force we’re stuck sheltering and supporting people who legally can’t work and support themselves.

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Who is the tweet for? It may not be getting to it’s target but it isn’t aimed at MAGA.

Can’t find specific video now but saw a clip from recent border visit and noticed Bidens arm swing when walking was looking pretty fucking meager

Everybody: Biden must run on abortion

Biden: I’m gonna go with less pro life than the GOP


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LMAO… Biden solicits the input of… Larry Summers, Thomas Friedman, and Mitch McConnell.

Unsurprisingly, Biden’s aides reject the idea that the White House is insular or dismissive of reality. Zients, who succeeded Ron Klain as chief of staff last year, pointed to Biden’s reputation for soliciting opinions from critics. “Just the other day, he picked up the phone and called Larry Summers,” Zients said. As outreach goes, it was relatively safe; Summers, despite his critical comments, is a longtime adviser to Presidents. Biden’s other occasional calls range from the columnist Thomas Friedman to the Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell. “That’s how you pressure-test decisions,” Zients said.

Annnnd Biden plans to make the 2024 election about January 6th.

gg usa

Ds gonna be running on “ORANGE MAN BAD” for decades. “Running” in the sense that we’ll probably still technically have elections even if only white male property owners can vote in them.