The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

How much would you pay for a live feed with audio of the 60 seconds after that audio cut out? Lollll she bombed that pretty hard. Really curious if she’s aware and really upset right now or if it’s all high fives and back slapping.

It wasn’t Hamilton, but it wasn’t the incoherent ramblings of a senile old man, either.

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BTW Biden went at SCOTUS during the SOTU. That’s the first time I can recall that happening.

Good Luck!

I think I remember Obama blasting them for Citizens United.

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Obama and Citizens United?

Don’t ask me why, but I’m watching Hannity right now.

These people live in their own pretend reality.

Lol, even MTG couldn’t help but crack a smile.


It’s fucking crazy to me how the Overton Window just keeps shifting right for the republicans. Jewish Space Laser congresswoman is pretty much an establishment republican at this point.

Your pony lost a 6-3 decision.

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Upon a quick check of the Biden threads, I can confirm that this site is better than its predecessor site.


Man, as much as there are positive vibes in this thread about the SOTU, I think you folks are underselling it. Biden did great when the expectations could not have been lower. Biden did nothing but talk about popular things he’s done and will do while making Republicans stay seated through massively popular and obviously good things like aiding Ukraine, making rich assholes pay taxes, “all of us are created equal,” gun control, lower drug prices, protecting Medicare and Social Security, lowering rent, expanding NATO, democracy it-fucking-self, and many more.

Mike Johnson looked cowed. All he could do was slouch, reluctantly grin, and occasionally catch himself reflexively clapping while Biden rattled off a litany of popular things he personally opposes and vowed to stop. Republicans have been doing nothing but watching Trump rallies and gauging that’s what’s popular, and now the optics here just look terrible for them as they slouch and sit and stare at their phones while Biden talks up popular shit like someone who can put together a coherent thought rather than a rambling dotard.


Are you saying… South Carolina is in play?

Couple times in the speech I would have liked Biden to pause and point to the Republican side and say, “My fellow Americans, take note, the other party has gone so far around the bend, they won’t even applaud (insert obviously good thing here).”

Like, teaching kids to read, violent crime being lower, etc.

Won’t have that easy of an opportunity before the election to make the point to the American people that the GOP is just completely top to bottom batshit crazy. No, the “moderates” aren’t clapping either.

That’s probably my only criticism of the speech itself, other than specific policy related stuff which doesn’t really matter right now. Some of his mannerisms make him look old, but he’s old, so whatever. Thought he did a good job pointing out that Trump is also old, and making some self-deprecating jokes so it doesn’t come off like he’s super out of touch.

Eh, the camera did Joe tons of favors here. Leaving it understated is good.

I don’t know, do normies notice that stuff if they aren’t beaten over the head with it? In particular, is it going to make the rounds on news shows tomorrow if he doesn’t do something to draw attention to it? Most people aren’t watching a 60? 70? minute speech. They’ll see a handful of 15-30 second clips.