The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

Anyone can sum up the TikTok shit? Because I have no idea what’s up about it

It’s a little “we don’t like an app controlled by a Chinese company having so much use in the USA” and a little “we’re tired of being roasted by tweens doing stuff we don’t understand.”

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Yeah @commonWealth talked about how he saw it as a very leftist/liberal kind of place, but I saw a lot of anti-vax and conservative shit roll up on TikTok too. Can’t say too much because I haven’t joined that shit ever.

Honestly should just ban all social media for the good of the world. I gotta say I’m not a fan of having a foreign government directly able to get into *The Algorithm" but I shouldn’t be ok with Meta having the same power either. Kinda am though when as a gut emotional reaction.

I’ve heard people who’s point of view I respect argue that there’s more right wing content than left, or the right wing content is getting more traction, so I’m really not sure on that point right now. I would still lean towards the opinion that it’s net better for the left, in part because it’s the only place I’ve seen left wing content get big time traction whereas right wing content gets big time traction ~everywhere.

I don’t find the security risk stuff to be compelling at all. So I go back to either they don’t like that leftists are gaining traction there (and to be clear I’m talking like people calling for guillotines level far left), and that’s got scary potential to the wealthy… or the very basic corruption: American social media tech bros donate to American politicians and are losing market share to TikTok.

If I could snap my fingers and make it so, I think I’d take that deal. I will admit I haven’t researched this too deply, but does the Chinese government actually have access to the TikTok algo? And also, I think we have to assume that Russia and/or Saudi Arabia have influenced the Twitter/X algo, as it’s gone far right since Elon took over and I’m pretty sure they’re financially in bed with him on that deal and others.

It should all be way more regulated than it is, like the algos are way too advanced for our lizard brains and cause way more outrage and polarization than is healthy for society. But, then, so does Fox News, so…

I’m a pretty big 1A guy as a journalism major, but the whole media landscape from legacy to social and everything in between is a total clusterfuck right now.

Squad voted no/ Pelosi, Schiff, Lieu voted yes.

Whackadoodles Gaetz, MTG, Biggs, Higgins and Mace voted no.

Whackadoodles Comer, Jordan, Boebert voted yes.

(To be fair Jordan and Gaetz are more dirt bag than whackadoodle.)

I think this is a dumb idea but joe should at least be hammering trump as being soft on china for flip flopping on this

That’s why they are banning it. Cause tic tac go to the polls level zingers can be made.

Seriously this is such a massive loser for the Dems if they go through with it. Will piss off tens of millions of young potential voters, and Reps will absolutely seize on that.

“Democrat Joe Biden and his freedom stealing leftist crooks stole your free speech and favorite app. Don’t let them steal Instagram and your texts too. VOTE TRUMP 2024”

Like that will be close to a word for word ad well see.

Have we considered that they don’t want to win.

If this passes are people thinking actually will end up banned? Seems they would just do some shady ownership scheme to ostensibly follow the rules?

I stand with MattyG on TikTok:

Has there been any proof that the CCP can get into/is getting into the data?

In that case, people who currently love TikTok will migrate to the copycat short form video products from Meta and YouTube, and the world will go on. Yass and his allies have done a lot to promote the idea that this is a critical electoral issue for Zoomers, but there is no evidence of that in any surveys. It’s true that lots of Zoomers love TikTok (if it weren’t popular, there would be no issue), but it’s not like they’re all going to be sobbing over the lack of short form video apps.

If Trump runs on, “I’ll bring back TikTok,” in that scenario, he wins. Not even close. TikTok is crazy popular among young people. Dems are fucking around right now, and I’m pretty concerned they’re going to find out. Especially since the six months are going to run out right before the election. Banning TikTok like a month before the election would be catastrophic for the young vote.

Wait we’ve done this before?


Apparently the group that eventually bought it, some pop-up LLC, had ties to the original owners in China… So, GJGE CFIUS.

Someone is going to buy tiktok. Service is going to go on uninterrupted. It’s worth billions of dollars and most of the users are in the US and Europe. They have six months to sell, which is way more than enough time to get a giant check from Google/Microsoft. Probably can’t be meta because of the optics.

I thought it was funny that someone would write this.

And then follow it up with this:

A shift in the demand curve could result in an increase in quantity supplied, but it would not affect supply.

/econ 101 nittery

Barring outside forces… Demand for something exceeds supply, prices for the good go up, more is made (barring bottlenecks), and supply goes up. What am I missing?

If demand increases, then all you would do is move up along an unchanged supply curve, and the quantity supplied would increase. The supply curve itself wouldn’t change.

supply ≠ quantity supplied

Somebody slept through Econ 101 (sorry, couldn’t resist).

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So I used the wrong term but the process I described was accurate? Don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone refer to “quantity supplied” as anything other than “supply”… I was wondering how that was since I know I took at least one Econ course in college, but it turns out I somehow took Econ 203 (Ideas and Issues) without taking any 100 level econ course. So I probably never learned the technical definition of the terms.

It is actually one of my regrets now that I didn’t minor in Finance and/or take a few finance courses and some econ. Toying with the idea of taking a couple of college accounting/finance courses online.

I really don’t think I agree. He’s been a gaffe machine his whole life, and I think there’s a fine line between “memory lapse” and “misspoke.” Do I think he actually thought that Mexico was involved in the Israel thing? No, I don’t. Do I think he was furious and giving an off the cuff speech and misspoke? Yes. But, maybe you’re right. I’m not saying it’s impossible the man is having memory lapses. My point has always been that the Hur report is absolute bullshit, and the evidence so far that he’s suffering from memory lapses is thin.

I constantly constantly fuck up and say good morning when it’s afternoon, and good afternoon when it’s morning, including sometimes in emails. Am I having memory lapses? I can easily see it being something like that.

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