The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

something funny I thought of - I think this ruling might mess with the US coast guard’s jurisdiction

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Depends on the state. In Florida, oddly, their wetlands protections are more expansive than the Feds.

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Tidal stuff may not be in danger, that would be a more extreme situation. More dangerous would be wetland areas that extend away from a lake or River, property owners will probably be able to whittle away at them significantly under this rule, unless the state has protections in place.

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Extremely cool that she said “fuck you” and did it anyway:

tl;dr court ruled that it was not a violation of the first amendment for school policy to ban her from wearing a graduation sash with the Mexican & US flags on it, which is fucking absurd

So she wore it anyway. Other kids pulled out Mexican flags after receiving their diplomas.

The school’s rationale is absolutely hilarious:

Garfield County School District 16 Superintendent Jennifer Baugh had told Peña Villasano that if she were allowed to wear her stole, with symbols from the U.S. and Mexico flags, other students might try to wear symbols like Confederate flags or Nazi pins.


That article was a bit tilting. Apparently as a result of the lawsuit and their ridiculous logic, the school cracked down on other innocent and somewhat similar things that other students would have pretty much certainly been able to wear had this whole thing never become an issue. Presumably the school did it so that they could portray themselves as consistent. Nevertheless, the result is that they took their dumb rules too far.

The tilting part is that it seems like the other students are mad at this student for standing up for herself instead of being mad at the school for their dumb rules.

Maybe, or maybe they wanted other students to get mad at this girl (or at least didn’t mind it).

I’m sure there was some of that. But it shouldn’t work. It should be obvious who the bad guy is.

The article I read on the subject said she could paint her hat however she wanted, but that over the shoulder things were limited to like ROTC and honor society stuff. Am I mistaken? Getting to do her hat however she wants seems like ample room for expression even if shawls are restricted.

Plus she could wear it outside the actual ceremony.

But still I’m glad to see here break the rules. Afraid I am in b4 her life is ruined by the MAGA crowd.


Like, Seniors fucking with graduation is a time honored tradition, but even if she were to have followed the restrictions to the letter, she hardly seems aggrieved. All parties involved including those following this case as 3rd parties seem to be making mountains out of mole hills.

Based on my quick read of Goofy’s link, I concluded two things (which may not actually be true since I spend about 30s skimming it):

  1. Prior to this year, they allowed all sorts of other over the shoulder things even though they may not have technically against the rules. No one actually cared.

  2. The only reason this became an issue is because she asked beforehand. If she just did it, none of this happens.

Dayummmm gurl, u put them colors on u ghana open Pandora’s box and ain’t nobody here can stop it.

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MTP this morning devoted the entire show to the SC and its crisis of legitimacy. I thought this chart was pretty striking.

there are like 4 people nationwide who watch MTP and they all already know this

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Also the takeaway from that chart for the idiot half of the country will be that the GOP policies and ideologies are obviously correct because the supreme court agrees with them. They are the highest court in the land, after all, so they clearly would know whats moral and correct.

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Peter from 5-4 dropping truth bombs


So when we going to get the student loan decision? Presumably if forgiven or not going to impact calculations on what people monthly payments are. They really going to process application and get all that info spread to people before they due to start collecting one way or other?

Probably close to the end of June. They tend to leave the most controversial ones for last although sometimes they get a few of those out earlier.

I’m sure this is just some administrative error and we will see the full disclosures forthwith