The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

Surprise SCOTUS decision this morning strongly upholding ICWA (Indian Child Welfare Act); the hellworld prediction was for sure that the conservatives would deliver the death blow to it after already weakening it in 2013’s Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl (which has a very good 5-4 episode explaining the details).

The Supreme Court handed down a huge win for the rights of Native American parents, children, and tribes on Thursday, rejecting a slew of challenges to the Indian Child Welfare Act in what amounted to the second surprise victory for progressives at the court in two weeks. Its 7–2 decision in Haaland v. Brackeen is a sharp rebuke to red states’ crusade to dismantle Congress’ authority to protect Native peoples as well as a strong affirmation of the federal government’s vital role in keeping Native communities together. While the court left open the door to future challenges on other grounds, Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s opinion for the court—joined by the three progressive justices and conservatives Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and John Roberts—does not sound like a mere stay of execution. It reads more like a declaration that Congress has ample constitutional authority to redress centuries of horrific persecution against Native Americans inflicted by the government itself.

Gorsuch remains excellent on exactly one issue, Native American rights.

A couple rare Friday opinions today, but no particularly notable cases. This was good though:


This is Thomas dissenting in an 8-1 decision lol

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You just know it’s going to be 37 flavors of awful when Thomas is the only one.


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Man, you know what really looks innocent? Preemptively running to the WSJ Op Ed pages with pedantic arguments about definitions.

Here’s the ProPublica report that Alito got in front of by publishing his whiny-ass WSJ op-ed:

Scalia was in on the grift too:

Another wealthy businessman provided expensive vacations to two members of the high court, ProPublica found. On his Alaska trip, Alito stayed at a commercial fishing lodge owned by this businessman, who was also a major conservative donor. Three years before, that same businessman flew Justice Antonin Scalia, who died in 2016, on a private jet to Alaska and paid the bill for his stay.

Alito’s defense of himself is hilarious:

Alito said that when Singer’s companies came before the court, the justice was unaware of the billionaire’s connection to the cases. He said he recalled speaking to Singer on “no more than a handful of occasions,” and they never discussed Singer’s business or issues before the court.

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Also a couple people have, particularly now with Alito appearing to have a direct line to the WSJ, brought this up again from a year ago re: the Dobbs leak:

Just blatant, naked corruption. And not a damn thing anyone can do about it. Tell me more about how lol law isn’t a total scam.

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Ridic Biden isn’t calling for impeachment. WTF do these clowns have to do before he does that?

Heavens no, that would be politicizing the court! We mustn’t do such a terrible thing!

I mean at a certain level I get not calling for it because it’s pointless. He’ll get impeached around the same time Merrick Garland gets confirmed to Scalia’s seat. But he should probably do it anyway to draw more attention to how illegitimate the court is and has been for a long time now.

Dems should be pounding the table nonstop over this, it’s blatant corruption. Put it to a vote, make Republicans defend this behavior publicly, even if you can’t eject Thomas.

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Shit like this is basically why establishment Democrats like Biden love this Court. It reliable looks out for the wealthy and is very accessible to them.

The “Alito is leaking to WSJ” evidence grows

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I guess the WSJ opinion page is weary of having Alito publish for them weekly:

When we getting student loan ruling? I’ve got a little naive hope they might let it stand based on some technical reason that wouldn’t set precent just to try to keep the scrutiny at bay? I know it’s sweet summer child

It’s prob not good.

Important thing to remember is that the other changes by Biden are far more important. How they calculate interest and how it doesn’t carry over anymore is massive