The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

wHiTeS aRe ThE rEaL VicTiMs oF DiScRiMiNaTiOn

Like even if AA ban was neutral outcome on admissions, the symbolism of it being an alt-white grievance decided by their own illegitimately-appointed People’s Court is grotesque.

Nothing tilts me quite like this argument from these dipshits. I guess they missed the part where the Court has been political for its entire existence, and obviously the more recent precedent where we changed the size of the Court from 9 to 8 for almost a full year. Although surely that wasn’t for political reasons!

Student loan debt relief stuck down 6-3.

always nice to have 20k stolen from me

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I think all the politicians and business folks really sleeping on how disruptive these payments going to be after years of nobody thinking about them and recent inflation

Silver lining, this decision effectively guarantees a Biden victory in ‘24, right? :harold:

Lazy kids should have bootstrapped it and taken out a PPP loan to pay off their student loans.


Man Clinton losing to Trump when apparently SCOTUS was in a generational tipping point such a bad beat. Fucking stars had to align with Biden kid getting brain cancer to even let Clinton in the conversation then if fucking Green Party didn’t exist, etc, etc

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Bush v Gore was another tipping point. Gore wins that election and he’s probably in good shape to win in '04 and then appoint the successor for noted piece of shit Bill Rehnquist after he kicked the bucket. It would’ve been interesting in '17 to see if McConnell actually like HRC appoint someone after stonewalling for nearly a year if the Rs still held the Senate.

My wife and I both got full Pell grants.

what does that mean here?

Yep! 6-3


Well someone has to look out for the historically underrepresented and persecuted Christian business owner class!

Just going to remind everyone that Biden is not operating in good faith here. He got exactly what he wanted - credit for trying but no actual forgiveness. Now he can run on trying again, but the reality is he’s always been funded by the banking industry, eDems don’t want to give loan forgiveness to the working class, and he’s against any form of SCOTUS reform.

The Biden plan is just vote harder for 40-50 years and maybe your grandkids’ student loans can be forgiven if his and his buddies grandkids don’t go into politics and find a way to fuck the working class then.

The biggest changes to the student loan program was not the straight up 10k-20k forgiveness. This is a frankly bad criticism. Changes to IDR and how interest is folded into payments and principle are real, tangible improvement for everyone.


Yeah, this. The payment plans + forgiveness after 20 years make the forgiveness itself irrelevant for a large chunk of borrowers with high balances. They’re never going to pay the balance, so getting 10k wiped off of it isn’t actually going to do anything. What matters most is that their payments go down for 20 years and then the balance is forgiven. 10k or 20k would still be nice obviously for the people who have small balances, but the most important part of his loan forgiveness is still live (and also represents the most anyone has done for this in decades). A lot of this Biden hate is undeserved IMO.


Take two on student debt relief.

Did not see that coming

Glad I can follow these developments on twitter screenshots of twitter

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