The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

We just lost 40k lol.

Joe Bidenā€¦did something right? Whatā€™s the catch.

Dark Brandon

But more seriously is there much precent of SCOTUS making a ruling and within the day president is like fuck you all we doing it anyway (albeit differently)? Sleepy joe actually one the least sleepy presidents around imo

Holy fucking shit. Iā€™m truly stunned. Give that man some fucking ice cream.

Some legal scholars contend that Biden should have relied on the law in the first place because it stood a greater chance of passing muster at the high court.

Ds continue to be nearly futile in how they message. The response shouldnā€™t be, "we strenuously disagree with the courtā€™s interpretation of the constitutionā€¦ " yawn. How about ā€œToday the radical supreme court STOLE tens of thousands of dollars from tens of millions of Americans. Itā€™s your money and theyā€™re stealing it.ā€ Just try it out dark Brando.


This is a very real and impactful response!

Sounds like they are following the law by ā€œturning on paymentsā€ as required.


finalized the most affordable repayment plan ever created, ensuring that borrowers will be able to take advantage of this plan this summerā€”before loan payments are due. Many borrowers will not have to make monthly payments under this plan.

the Department is instituting a 12-month ā€œon-rampā€ to repayment, running from October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024, so that financially vulnerable borrowers who miss monthly payments during this period are not considered delinquent, reported to credit bureaus, placed in default, or referred to debt collection agencies.

5-4 hosts are doing an end-of-term livestream:

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Trumpā€™s Muslim Ban, right? IIRC eventually those idiots found a way to craft it so kinda sorta was constitutional.

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Iā€™m too tired too look it up, but IIRC, it wasnā€™t SC that ruled against it. It was one level down. When it got to SC they upheld it. So I donā€™t think thatā€™s quite the same thing.

Joe Biden gets too much hate here. He legitimately has accomplished more than nearly any other recent democratic president. I get that the bar is low, but we could really do worse.

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:leolol: :leolol: :leolol:

The most important part of his plan is still alive. People making less than $32k per year will have a $0 monthly payment and have their loans forgiven in 10 years. People making more will pay 5 percent of the amount of 32k and have their loans forgiven in 10 years. No interest will capitalize. A family of four making less than 65kish will pay $0, and 5 percent above the amount over 65k.

Does this seem maybe possibly legit? I remember this being a big issue during the mortgage crisis. Seems like something that could be happening again. He explains what he did kinda as part of the thread

Alsoā€¦ I get free lawyering as part of my job.


I wouldnā€™t go that far. People who know more than me say there were ways to accomplish the debt cancellation that would have held up, and heā€™s been purposely dragging it out. This is probably good politics, but up until now he made it look like he wasnā€™t actually trying. Coming back over the top with the Higher Education Act is good. The Respect for Marriage Act was pretty good (should have happened faster), and heā€™s been excellent on foreign policy with regard to Ukraine - which is up there for most consequential things during his presidency.

That said, heā€™s been beyond shitty on immigration, heā€™s been shitty at fighting back against this SCOTUS, and heā€™s been shitty at doing anything on democracy reform. Heā€™s also been somewhat shitty at fighting back against this crazy House on the budget matters.

I donā€™t think Iā€™d put his list of accomplishments above the Affordable Care Act, though. He and Obama have a pretty similar lukewarm record on LGBTQ stuff - late to the party but doing good things once theyā€™re already broadly popular. Bidenā€™s positions have been better faster, probably, but Iā€™m not sure any actions have been.

Bidenā€™s been a lot better on foreign policy than Obama, and thatā€™s been hugely important, but in the context of accomplishing more than nearly any other recent Dem president, I assume weā€™re mostly discussing bills/executive orders that have gone into effect.

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I think this guy gets a bad rap and is often quite reasonable (at least since the start of the Trump era). This is a good answer.

MODERATOR: Letā€™s start with the Supreme Court siding with a Web designer in Coloradoā€¦there are religious conservatives who are hailing this as a victory for religious liberty. And there are others who say this ruling created a constitutional right to discriminate. How do you see it?

PUNDIT: Yes, I donā€™t have a qualified ā€” Iā€™m not qualified to give it a legal opinion. Iā€™m not a lawyer, so I look at it, is it good or bad for society?

And so, in this case, you had the right for artistic expression against nondiscrimination, and it was a contest between those two. And the court chose free expression. That strikes me, just as someone who lives in American society, as doing great harm to American society.

It seems to me the idea that we do not discriminate in our businesses is just ā€” thatā€™s much more a serious thing to break that than to restrict someone whoā€™s really running a business, not just painting a painting, but is running a business. And if that person whoā€™s running a business is allowed to discriminate, it seems to me itā€™s just a poison in our society.

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