The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition


Not that this is at all a surprise, but good on WaPo for doing the legwork to investigate this I guess:

non-paywall link

Fake cases with fake clients, and that’s all good for this SCOTUS.

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In-depth article about today’s oral argument in a case where conservatives are trying to kill the CFPB, arguing its funding structure is unconstitutional. The argument rests on pretty weak ground and it sounds like even conservative justices are skeptical:


Chris Hayes had a segment with Senator Warren last night on this. Apparently the entire structure underpinning the financial system is unconstitutional if you take plaintiff’s argument at face value.

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Thomas at it again. Got his feefees hurt because people are saying mean things about his corruption…

Magic link

Here’s him flogging that originalist nonsense again:

Justice Thomas wrote that the decision had no basis in the Constitution as it was understood by the people who drafted and ratified it. He added, quoting an earlier opinion, that it “comes at a heavy cost, allowing media organizations and interest groups ‘to cast false aspersions on public figures with near impunity.’”

Justice Thomas has been the subject of a series of news reports raising questions about whether he had violated ethics rules. The reports said he had failed to disclose gifts and trips from Harlan Crow, a Texas billionaire who has donated to conservative causes.

Also another instance of him laying out a roadmap for the right-wing legal world to bring him a case that will enable him to do what he wants.

Justice Thomas’s latest opinion came in a case brought by [ notorious piece of shit ] Don Blankenship, a former coal company executive and Senate candidate in West Virginia. He sued several news organizations for calling him a felon after he was convicted of conspiracy, a misdemeanor, in connection with the aftermath of a mine explosion.
[ … ]
The Supreme Court rejected Mr. Blankenship’s request that it review that decision, without giving reasons. Justice Thomas concurred, saying the case was a poor vehicle for deciding the fate of Sullivan because West Virginia law also required Mr. Blankenship to prove actual malice to prevail.

“In an appropriate case, however,” Justice Thomas wrote, “we should reconsider New York Times and our other decisions displacing state defamation law.”

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Just got re-vaxx’d. Didn’t even ask for my vaccine card this time. I’ve got shitty fevers every time I’ve gotten it so hopefully this time is better. Got it with the Flu vaccine so probably not.



Poasting is hard man

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That vaccine has you posting in the wrong threads already!

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Most justices in the study were more likely to interrupt women; the discrepancy was especially pronounced among conservative-leaning justices.

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Putting the upcoming case about whether the government can deprive wife beaters of their god-given second amendment rights into context:

I think Rahimi (the defendant, who won at the psycho Fifth Circuit) loses 7-2 so Roberts can triumphantly play the role of “reasonable moderate” to a fawning media, even though it’s batshit this case got here at all

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Sandra Day, WTF are you doing.

If Rahimi wins, this hellhole is about to get even more dangerous for basically everyone.

Forgiven debt is taxable income. This is criminal tax fraud. Fucking LOL LAW every time.

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WTF is the point of a Senate probe if the Senate won’t do anything if they find something?

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Part of me finds it hilarious he’s basically just a dumb fucking redneck. Like Harlan Crow and company had to be annoyed that the bribes were in the form of dumb fucking hunting trips and RV loan forgiveness.


Came here to post this but ponied, obviously.

I’ll go ahead and post the direct NYT and “magic” links for those who don’t want to give Elon clicks.

Magic link

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As an aside, RVs gotta be like the dumbest shit around right? Like imagine the baller vacations you could have for 250k over course of 15 years vs being stuck in that thing

I think people like Clarence Thomas do the RV thing because they are so devoid of taste and curiosity it feels more comfortable to them than objectively awesome travel.

If you live in it or practically do so for several weeks a year it may make sense. Go spend a week in all the national parks etc.

Otherwise it’s just gross.