The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

We’ve been on our way to becoming Russia since at least 2016, and this ruling would be the final nail in the coffin if Republicans retake control. Gonna be some democrats falling out of windows and mysteriously collapsing from polonium.

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We’re less than a year removed from SCOTUS ruling in Allen v. Milligan (concerning Alabama maps) that, yes, you do still need to draw majority-minority districts to protect the voting rights of Black voters in the South. That did not stop two Trump appointees to this 5th Circuit district court from deciding that an attempt in Louisiana (drawn by Republicans! Defended by those Republicans!) to comply with that ruling, by adding a second majority-Black district, is an “illegal racial gerrymander”.

They keep winning with this game of drawing up bullshit maps, getting too close to the election and being “stuck” using the illegal maps, then getting slapped on the wrist after and told to redraw them. Then rinse and repeat.

It’s almost like preclearance was still necessary. Something about throwing away an umbrella in the rain because you’re not getting wet?

Don’t see anything changing here until the makeup of SCOTUS changes, so not until court packing or like 50 years from now.

This is so goddamn funny, judges are punishing right-wing students at these schools for the actions of left-wing students who are probably laughing their asses off


Good news (for now):

first time that shocked pickachu react has been used unironically?

Alito, when Thomas doesn’t join him.

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Given Thomas wrote the majority opinion :worstperson: feels more appropriate.

lol, fucker blames his wife because of course he does


Think “play” night is at Sam’s or Clarence’s this weekend.

Just meaning their overall hypocrisy, not trying to kink shame

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lol this story is so good

Alito is like 100% a guy who thinks flag burning should be illegal because it desecrated the flag, and he went full QAnon meltdown hanging it upside down because his neighbor gave his wife a sad? Even as the fake story they made up to cover their J6 sympathies this makes him look like a goddamn idiot lol


Shout out to the person who confronted his wife, A+ fight back



Me remembering how utterly unprepared the Thomases were for any kind of public scrutiny and thinking about the spotlight being turned to the Alitos:


oooh they’re having a donation-led initiative to name their second clinic!

current nominees

A really under discussed part of the Alito and Thomas show is that they’re legitimately fucking imbeciles.

Yeah, totally interchangeable with the dumbest Fox News viewers: