The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

His vote was necessary for part of it, as there’s one part of the opinion (I think that the elector stuff is an “official act”) where Barrett did not join and agreed with the dissent.

At least we got this headline!


Which 5-4 host gets hanged first?

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Lmao… Nader trying to blame Hilldawg.


Boy that is rough given Nader gave us GWB

ETA lol my pony dead on arrival, I missed the second tweet somehow

GWB winning in 2000 really was the key inflection point.

I don’t think any of us are functioning on a high level today. I’m feeling a ton of anxiety and dread.

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Could have been saved if Kerry won in 2004.

W appointed no SC justices in his first term.

Speaking of your absolutely terrible eDem candidates. Gotta love eDems they pretend like candidates don’t matter when your lived experience is that they’re 4/4 with good candidates and 1/5 with less than good candidates.


Biggest what ifs are 2000 and 2016.

2000 - What if Nader doesn’t run and/or FL just has a regular ballot. The butterfly effects of Gore winning can get pretty wild. Such as a Gore administration at least potentially prevents 9/11 from even happening.

2016 - what if Beau hadn’t died and Biden gets the nom four years earlier instead of Hillary. This also would coincidentally solve our current problem as he’d be ending his second term instead of first.

Well, debating inflection points isn’t really that useful, the right has been totally deranged since the mid 1990s and it was really only a matter of time. The exact person or year can be debated but the end result was inevitable.

ok so as i get more info the worse it seems

The only check on the presidents power going forward is impeachment. And good luck impeaching a god king.

Gonna be hard to find the votes when the lawmakers that support it keep getting droned by the guy they’re trying to impeach.


This is the single worst decision in the history of the United States Supreme Court, it’s not even close, and there have been some terrible fucking decisions throughout history. It basically ends the system of checks and balances form of government that we theoretically have. It gives the modern US president far more authority and power than the King of England had in 1776, or than the King of England had in 1215. They could overrule Marbury v. Madison and it would still be less consequential than this decision.


Man Dredd Scott and Korematsu were really bad but I actually think I agree. This is the single worst decision in SCOTUS history. Literally makes the President completely unaccountable. The first step in absolutely every “how fascism happened” story.

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Yup this completely corrupts the intent of the whole system.