The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

This case in part reaffirms korematsu, so yeah

Is it cited here? I haven’t read but I recall it was “overturned” (in the hollowest form imaginable) when Trump v. Hawaii allowed the Muslim ban:

I think Dred Scott still qualifies as worse though. But that’s probably it.

Even prior to this case was it already accepted at baseline that was fine by the US for presidents to break laws elsewhere right? Like assassinations/etc? Or was it just that nobody has ever tried to charge a president for it?

If the president is a god king, then korematsu was correctly decided.

You all didn’t see that this case clears the way for the future camps?

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I don’t know about yall but I’m signing up to canvas for big daddy Trump. It’s the only way to stay out of the camps.

I think it’s a mistake to think that the thing stopping camps before today was the worry that a president would be criminally prosecuted for ordering them.


In case you’re wondering, Sinema blames liberals for this and is enjoying the opportunity to troll.

My money’s on Rhiannon.

Sinema’s a blithering idiot. Like Mitch wouldn’t have nuked it on day one of the Trump regime.

“I know I will respect the limits of presidential power as I have for the three-and-a-half years, but any president, including Donald Trump, will now be free to ignore the law,” Biden said.


Exactly. Cocaine Mitch tried to blow it up back when GWB’s nominees (including Alito) were being stalled and came pretty close, but a critical mass of Ds capitulated and let a bunch of them (again including Alito) through with the pinky promise that the Rs they made the deal with would do the same in the future. I know you’ll be shocked, shocked! to discover that they did not hold up their end of the bargain.

idk if any of you listen to Andrew Weissman’s podcast, but boy he was SHOOK yesterday.

Lol that guy is such a fucking dope. He was like the lead guy on the Mueller investigation and somehow didn’t learn a god damn thing about lol law.

I can’t imagine spending months making a podcast going over every little detail of Trump’s trials and then having SCOTUS toss the whole thing out, must be crushing.

Did I miss something? Does he have to send the advertisers money back? How many listens does the episode where he cries about it get?

yeah this, it would have just been that many more vacancies for mitch to fill

There is, of course, a world of things he can do short of using Seal Team Six. He could probably grant immediate citizenship to everyone on DACA, destroy all records of public student loans, and he could probably expand SCOTUS via EO.

Also anything he forces SCOTUS to block makes them look that much more partisan to normies when they let Donnie do it.

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Omg it was actually in the oral arguments.