The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

tl;dr: term limits, enforceable ethics code, constitutional amendment to overturn presidential immunity

These are pretty weak reforms (the ideas are fine but they’re both more difficult to pass and unlikelier to survive constitutional challenges compared to the option Dems should be pursuing: PACK. THE. COURT) but it is nonetheless a good step to see a moderate like Biden step up and be like “this shit is enough”.

It sounds like term limits would require a constitutional amendment, which makes that impossible.

Not like a lame duck president in an election year going to make some meaningful change to scotus anyway so feels reasonable to just propose some stuff that most people think sounds like a common sense non partisan good idea regardless of feasibility.

The 5-4 episode on the bribery case is an absolute banger.


CNN’s Supreme Court reporter has a few tell-all stories about the inner workings of some cases from this term, but this is by far the best imo

Exclusive: How Samuel Alito got canceled from the Supreme Court social media majority

lol what a fucking loser. And in one of these cases he was apparently so mad about losing the opinion he didn’t go to court the day it was released

On June 20, when the chief justice announced the opinion in Gonzalez v. Trevino, Alito’s chair at the bench was empty. Alito missed that day, as a total four opinions were handed down, and the next, June 21, when the justices released five other opinions.

It is an amazingly consistent hallmark of shithead conservative boomers who have gotten everything they claimed to have wanted to continue being absolutely miserable and perpetually aggrieved

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All of the eps on individual justices are great.

The sternly worded letter for this one’s gonna be so great

Obviously Clarence is bulletproof, but is there any way to go after Crow for this?

Oops, misread this. I think the answer is lol law.


Yeah, I deserved that

Good summary of a Times article on the inner workings of some of the Trump decisions from this term.

I mean, a “centrist” now is just someone who thinks that we should still have some form of democratic republic versus absolute dictatorship, but even by that measure I’m not sure he qualifies.


I don’t care how good at taking tests you were, if you didn’t know they were going to give literally all of those slots to legacy rich kids you weren’t smart enough to go to any ivy league school in a meritocratic way. Tell me you don’t actually use the stuff you ‘know’ without telling me you don’t use it lol.

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Not looking forward to the future “SCOTUS literally kills a man” episode of 5-4:

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Meh, SCOTUS has killed plenty of men, women, and children in their time. What’s one more?