The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition



ok, now Clarence is disclosing things that didn’t actually occur? in addition to hiding things that did?

Looks like a money laundering thing.

Right, if somebody happens to notice the bundles of cash he’s hiding under his robe, he can just say “Oh that? It’s from the rental income! I’ve already disclosed all that. Marxist witchhunt!”

oh he just gets to amend it, and it’s cool?

gotta make sure the bribes are properly documented.

The known bribes…

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Absolutely stunning for a court to be like “no, you have to kill this guy whose conviction was so shaky the Attorney General no longer stands behind it”

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Binging 5-4, it’s amazing what kinds of crazy hijnks can happen during your murder trial without you getting a mistrial. Your attorney can be asleep for long portions of the trial! The jurors can be getting ripped on alcohol and cocaine! Apparently it’s all good!

Their latest episode is about a case where a guy got 25 to life for trying (and failing) to stealthily sneak 3 golf clubs out of a pro shop without paying for them (a crime the hosts note is objectively funny) thanks to California’s three strikes law. SCOTUS conservatives rejected his 8th amendment argument that this is cruel and unusual punishment, because they think the 8th amendment has nothing to say about the proportionality of punishments in relation to the crime.

They make the good point that these same SCOTUS conservatives are the same ones out there like “yeah punitive damages are really out of control, we really need to limit people’s ability to sue corporations in court”, because, you know, they think the money plaintiffs might win is out of proportion to the harms they suffered. But the same concept apparently doesn’t apply to people, they just reeeeallly fucking hate defendants in the criminal justice system.

(other fun tidbit from the episode: a recurring theme in 5-4 is how, in any criminal case, conservatives love to open their opinions with all the harrowing, gruesome details of the crime, because it’s important to begin by noting that the defendant is a Bad Boy who deserves whatever punishment they got. In this case, with this goofy fuck trying to waltz out of a pro shop with golf clubs in his pants, O’Connor’s opinion opens by recounting all the harrowing, gruesome details of…the murder crime that led to California creating a three strikes law, which has absolutely nothing to do with the plaintiff in this case!!! Absolutely psychotic stuff)




Jesus Christ that the conservative AG of a deep red state makes an unopposed motion to vacate a conviction and death penalty sentence and the court is like “lol, no.” That’s just fucking unbelievable.

Does this mean the governor and AG disagree? Because governor should be able to do whatever wants as far as this sort of thing right?

I looked it up and the Oklahoma Governor’s pardon power is nerfed. He can only pardon after a recommendation by a majority of the board of parole.

Future Supreme Court case: Texas leading the way in pushing issues that will lead the court to re-establish America as a de jure Christian supremacist state

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In the 5-4 episode on McDonnell v. United States (which vacated disgraced former governor Bob McDonnell’s corruption conviction and set an absurd standard for the lengths prosecutors must go to prove corruption) they noted that it was extremely weird for that case to be a 9-0 result, and probably suggested that a lot of the justices view the nakedly corrupt behavior of McDonnell as a lot more normal than they should.


Man, starting to feel more and more like the “wait till Friday night to dump the decision” is :harold: A lot of ways I can see the court vote 5-4 to leave the 5th circuit decision in place. I don’t ever see Roberts voting to leave it in place, but the other 5?

lol wtf?

CNN reported it’s Publix stock, possibly inherited from his grandmother; figures this guy is yet another trust fund baby

Why would a guy like this leave it all in one company Jesus