Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Here’s one example: https://archive.ph/pQVLF#selection-5569.0-5569.9

It doesn’t really get at the how (like, how does a PE firm buy a company via debt it puts on the company, which is a weird trick they do and I forget why on earth that works) but it gets at some of the why:

This seems like something @ParlaySlow might know more about.


Private equity doesn’t always buy unrelated companies, in fact there’s nothing they love more than buying a company and forcing it to do business with their other portfolio companies on unfavorable terms. They also love buying up the majority of a type of business (they love medical practices, dentists, and vets for example) in an area, creating a bottleneck, and jacking up prices.

Honestly the problem I have with PE is that I very rarely run into any project of theirs that actually adds any real world value in 2024. It’s mostly just stuff that is less than a single degree of separation legally from what outright white collar criminals do and zero degrees of separation morally/ethically from what white collar criminals do.

Their most common strategy is basically a legal bust out ffs.

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hahahaha holy shit these reporters must be the dumbest motherfuckers on earth if they bought that jesus christ

Ah yes ginnie thomas is just a doting homemaker as we all know.

Deranged and detached from reality. The opening paragraph:

360 followers!!! The rest of the piece cites zero examples of anyone facing exclusion or negative consequences for supporting Israel, it’s all vibes like “people are being very mean to Israel, but Israel Has A Right To Defend Itself” and “lots of people are protesting PEN America, and I don’t like that one bit”. As this guy whines about “free expression” for supporters of Israel, meanwhile, in the real world:

It’s pretty clear these people are being boycotted for their expressed views on the Israel/Arab conflict and not because they’re Jewish.

It’s not even clear they’re being boycott at all. Someone in Twitter with 360 followers would like to make them part of BDS and that’s enough for the NYT to publish a moral panic piece.

What in the name of Soul Man is this?



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He’s not even original:


(the pandemic probably did not start in a lab)


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I gave up on trying to keep track of all the Covid personalities years ago and seems like she currently employed by what I assume is a quite prestigious institution that knew about her Covid stuff for years. Makes me wonder what the deal is, she must not be some complete whacko

There are people out there doing shitty photo collages for pennies to put in the Getty image library? It is really too easy for us to get food as a society…

We’re lucky the NYT isn’t using AI art.

Have not read by blue twitter assures me that sources are 100% republican and that Kevin McCarthy came out of some of things meetings strongly praising Bidens intellect.


We do have bond villains running a lot of our media.