Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Elmo cares more about Vances children then he does his own.


He should be asked this question every time he steps in front of a reporter until he answers it.

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They left out the couch fucking apparently.

Like goofy said, it’s a document of things that might be disqualifying to conservatives.

Pugnacious! Unscripted!

God, fuck off with this. He spreads gutter Nazi lies about Haitians eating cats, then immediately walks it back with mealy-mouthed excuses the moment he’s challenged by a reporter.


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CBS morning show interviewer basically spends this segment with Ta-Nehisi Coates (who handles it very deftly) about his new book (more on that in this post) by asking “so why are you such an anti-Semite?”


Lol the paper of record.



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OMG I saw that graphic in real time, rewound my dvr, paused it, then did one of these:


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Wait, that’s not the pitchbot? Tell me that’s the pitchbot?

Just standard enemy of the people stuff.

Everybody mad that the nyt finally figured out how to farm engagement via outrage.

Dominant! Pugnacious! Defiant!

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Responding to this post with some good media outlet choices interviewing Coates about his new book:

The Chris Hayes one in particular I think is really good and personal. And I haven’t listened yet but I’ve seen multiple people say that Terry Gross did a great interview with him on NPR’s Fresh Air.

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every interview Coates has ever done has been good, even if the interviewer is bad

Not politics, but seems like it fits here best.



That’s very likely just snuff. Something like this: