Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Decent media about a poor media outlet choice: an in-depth article about FAIR (Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism…by the left, of course), an anti-woke organization Bari Weiss helped start where things got rocky when the guy who ran the place turned out to be insufficiently committed to conservative culture war grievances

Featuring Harlan Crow! (Bartning here is the guy who was running FAIR)

Then, as people & donors lose confidence in Bartning both because of his governance of FAIR and because it became much more in vogue for conservatives to just shout the transphobia out loud instead of laundering their stuff through milquetoast organizations like his, Weiss and allies stage a coup:

In the end, they achieve a settlement whereby it seems like the coup plotters win:

The new Bartning is Maud Maron, a former public defender who was called racist by some of her colleagues at the Legal Aid Society for writing critically about a New York City Department of Education anti-bias training session. Weiss trusts and admires Maron, whose story she has written about. On Twitter, Maron isn’t shy about her opinions. She seems to care deeply about gender issues: “Trans activists and allies need to grapple honestly with what a violent movement it has become,” she wrote in March, shortly before she publicly accepted the job at FAIR. I asked her whether FAIR will continue to be a “pro-human” organization moving forward. She told me the organization is still evolving.

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a twofer


lol @ believing that’s Mariupol when there are buildings with at least on brick still on top of another brick.

As yes, “visiting” a city his army is occupying, totally normal framing.

lol of course


Cable news is next to worthless, but on rolling coverage days it’s not that much worse for following developments than twitter, but I can’t take the commercials, it’s nothing but ads for cancer medicines. Like good grief, id rather watch gold scam commercials.

By Peggy Noonan



I believe those are the apartment buildings that Russia built after they took Mariupol.


This county backed every president for two decades. What about 2024?


Lmao imagine writing this massive naval gazing REAL MURICA Ohio diner story and then disabling comments after… 40 of them.

how do you do the archive.ph trick on this article’s address

IDK the post is the one thing I “pay for” as you get a free read if you have amazon prime.

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Might work:


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fwiw the “trick” is…

  • copy the URL (https://www.washingtonpost.com/...)
  • add archive.ph/ in front (so now you have archive.ph/https://www.washingtonpost.com/...)
  • profit (going to that address for high-traffic websites like NYT/WaPo/etc has a full archived copy 95% of the time)