Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I haven’t had archive.ph/.today/.is work in a while. I feel like it is being dns blocked.

I just copy the URL, go to archive.ph, paste it into the form and hit enter and it loads it up. Haven’t had any issues, last used it maybe two days ago.


He’s leaving to lead the new Center on Public Civility at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation. I’ll let you guys write the jokes about this one.


Arguably not even lol media but lolololol


lol guess who’s an RFK contrarifan!


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From the Reuters stenography agency


“ It should be rare that a gun charge would be di­verted in this cli­mate of gun vi­o­lence,” said Jay Town, a for­mer homi­cide pros­e­cu­tor and U.S. at­tor­ney in Al­abama dur­ing the Trump ad­min­is­tra­tion. “Any­one who pos­sesses a firearm un­law­fully should be pros­e­cuted. We are not de­ter­ring trig­ger pullers when we don’t de­ter pos­ses­sors.”

“From 2005 to 2017, he was a prosecutor in the Madison CountyDistrict Attorney’s Office.[5] He also served on the executive committee of the [Alabama Republican Party](Alabama Republican Party - Wikipedia).[2]

In June 2017, Town was announced as Donald Trump’s nominee to become the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama.”

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NYT is being extra NYT for pride month


and separately



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More like 4th, amireich?


Was the Holy Roman Empire really “far right” compared to Europe at the time? Need one of the German guys to explain this to me, a poorly-educated American.

Every time

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Preserving democracy somehow is the moderate position.

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Full-on ballwashing for the biggest dipshits on Earth, great work.

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Are they fucking serious with this shit???

Like the NYT sees a court that…

  • (barely) said section 2 of the tattered remains of the Voting Rights Act is still allowed to exist
  • only got 3 votes for “state legislatures can do anything they want in elections with no checks from state courts”
  • otherwise gave conservatives big Ws in almost every case, including demolishing AA and legalizing discrimination against gay people and murdering student loan relief and gutting the Clean Water Act

and they’re like “wow so serious, so complicated, can anyone really characterize this court”. Absolute fucking dunces


In. On. It.

The establishment loves this Court because it will protect the establishment at all costs.

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