Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

LOL - completely indistinguishable from pitch bot


LOL. I super don’t want to click this but is it like, “going to Harvard to meet the rich failson of a legacy is actually great for your future networking”?

I non-ironically posted this before because even though it’s terrible I think it’s probably true. Like I seriously doubt Harvard going to be dramatically better at teaching you chemistry than a major state school but it is going to be dramatically better at helping you have a roommate whose Dad runs a hedge fund

I’m not clicking either but I assumed “the legacy parents give all the money which makes it awesome for the poors”

One group, however, got a big economic boost from going to elite schools: poor students, students of color and students whose parents didn’t have a college degree. And that’s because elite colleges connected them to students born into privilege — the very kind of student that legacy preferences admit in such large numbers.

That’s so fucking gross.

Maybe it’s because unlike the nepo babies they’re legitimately incredibly smart and hard working you dumb fuck

Also I went to college with these assholes, they don’t interact with the poor kids at all and certainly don’t give them jobs



I really doubt that John Farthington,III is going to take a shine to his son’s freshman roommate, aka Jamal from Detroit.

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They pair all the boarding school douche bags together, then they all join the same fraternities. Trust me Jared Kushner never talked to a not rich person in 4 years at Harvard.

Almost certainly. I’m constantly getting CNBC stuff in my Google News feed that’s either corporate propaganda or paid placement.



Humanity is so fucked.

One of the nine most powerful judges in the country, and a fuckup relative. BOTH SIDES!

Oops! I accidentally promoted a Nazi! But it’s okay, he has good ideas!

I was talking to my wife about this (“it’s important to read conservatives”) last night. She hasn’t had her brain rotted like us so she’s like, isn’t it dangerous to get too consumed hearing only perspectives that you agree with and not hearing the other side? And yeah, sure, ordinarily that’s true, but modern conservatism is a movement bereft of any real ideas, just screaming “fake news” at everything and openly embracing fascism; what is one to learn by reading its adherents?

I read right wing bullshit for the same reasons I read covid nonsense bullshit.

  1. It’s important to know what they’re saying, even if it’s fucking stupid. Knowing your enemy is important. Trump making a claim that it’s a 1A issue is important to know.
  2. Sometimes they have an issue that’s actually popular, like trans women in sports, that you should be aware of.
  3. It’s important to be able to identify someone who is using the same language or points as conservatives, yet tries to pretend like they’re normal. It’s useful to be able to ignore them or call them out on their shit.
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These are good points, I guess I feel like the parts of the conservative milieu I absorb via seeing them dunked on on Twitter (or Trumpbot posts) gives me enough visibility without me actually having to read them myself. (probably harder to apply to more niche things like covid denial)

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I got a lot of the covid stuff from dunking on vinay prasad and the like. However, it was a huge part of my job knowing what bullshit was going to be said to me, so I gathered all sorts of shit.

Counterpoint (to your wife): Exposing oneself to false propaganda is also not healthy.

Edit; If you are a subject-matter expert, then I guess probably not (so CN reading vax denial bullshit because he is a SME in medicine is probably not damaging). But most of us are not subject matter experts in the fields in which dangerous disinformation is flowing freely these days.

Conservatives act like “What if black people are dumb?” is a challenging new idea that needs serious consideration from the grown-ups. We heard all this before, no one needs to sit down and give these clowns any benefit of the doubt. Keedglesias can’t specify what “good points” this guy ever made because he never made any.


Oops! I followed a Nazi, how did that happen?!?


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