Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I am not sure if this headline is a poor media outlet choice or a good media outlet choice.

So he didn’t just refuse to help…he flat-out refused to help his female co-stars’ agents do their jobs? :

From the article it sounds like he doesn’t do any negotiating, he has people for that, and that includes trying to help coworkers. Maybe, he doesn’t have people for that yet? He’s trying to remain pure and just think about the work, not the oodles of money he gets for being the dumbest Avenger.

There is zero evidence it is a political liability. Nobody gives a fuck about this.

right, this is the thing, the only people who care about this are way beyond the Q-horizon and are never coming back, they start talking about this shit and normies look at them like they have 3 heads, but journalists’ minds are so warped by twitter that they think this stuff matters

wen “A Cloud is Lifted”?

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He’s been doing most things flat-out these days.


It would have been even better if he had been crushed under a pony.



Of course the watch says “ASU” lol


Man, that’s not technically a FAAFO, coyotes ate my face situation, but when you think about how these fires are probably a byproduct of global warming, it kind of is.

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I listened to this episode this morning, it was predictably awful

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Inexcusable clown shit.

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“Bid to flip vote!”


Many, many words devoted to how relatable DeSantis is to the many Americans who similarly have difficulty acting human.

This popped up on my apple news feed today (even though it’s a few days old) with the headline:

“Oh, God, that’s me”: Ron DeSantis is painfully awkward, and it’s surprisingly relatable

Nobody fell for that Jeff. Nobody.

JFC where do they find these people