Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

That’s the other thing, like, if they hated Pete for the reasons they pretended to hate Pete for, there are dozens of eDems they’d hate way more and rant about way more… But nowhere near the same level of animosity towards the others.

There is no way you expected that. No one expects a socialist who dresses like a 60 year old contemporary friend of William F. Buckley.

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Some real Twilight of the Elites shit here:

These dipshit Stanford professors vastly overestimate their own importance:

We believe that this intolerance of ideas is not just a consequence of an increasingly polarized society. We think it also results from the failure of higher education to provide students with the kind of shared intellectual framework that we call “civic education.” It is our responsibility as educators to equip students to live in a democratic society whose members will inevitably disagree on many things. To strengthen free speech on campuses, we need to return civic education to the heart of our curriculum.

How rotted does your brain have to be to, in the middle of an anti-elite populist uprising, write this drivel like “if only we educated the elites more about how to disagree, this would never have happened”? Absolutely fucking worthless. There are some good arguments later on about the free-market-ization of education and how it’s led to declining standards, but it’s total moron shit to assign that as a cause to modern culture wars.

Elite libs just can’t bring themselves to admit reality (that a full third of the country is completely irredeemable pieces of absolute shit) because their core identity is being a “good” person who nominally sees value in everyone (but, of course, are aghast with disgust when they have to interact with poors IRL). Incomprehensibly to them, the best thing to do for future generations of the underclass is to crush these MAGA motherfuckers mercilessly.

I still was mad at Pete because he disappointed me. I’ve adjusted my expectations quite a bit lower now.

Maybe this is just so dumb as to be deliberate clickbait, but sheesh. If you find yourself hating on Martin Short, that’s a you problem.


WTF I’ve never once found Martin Short funny but who cares, who is forcing you to watch Martin Short?

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I want to say I don’t find Martin Short funny but for some reason I enjoy pretty much everything he’s ever done

Sometimes he can be really over the top so the one playing it straight can land the joke, and also, even when he’s not being funny, I usually find him heartwarming. Unless there are some #metoo allegations against him or something, I can hardly think of a target less deserving of hate.

Seriously. He’s extremely entertaining in Only Murders and is playing the role to the exact amount of over-the-top flair it requires. And he’s a good actor too, like his dramatic role in Damages was great.


I’ve always found him annoying but I can’t think of that many things I’ve seen him in.

Three Amigos is a masterpiece of comedic cinema and I will fight anyone who disagrees.


No notes, Politico


Is this political equivalent of “lady in the streets, freak in the sheets”?

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What fucking “deal making status”??? Name any deal Trump pulled off as POTUS?

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they finally got rid of sleepy-eyes chuck todd and replaced him with another both-sides-addicted dullard

That’s gonna be a tough one to use as it will be very confusing what you are talking about:


I have to wonder if this is a record ratio. Has to be in the top 10 of all time, right?

rip http://fivethirtyeight.com/