Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Oh noes, the population won’t exponentially rise forever.

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I mean if you’re someone who has built a life on there being a permanent underclass of disposable serfs population decline is a disaster.

The NYT is owned by and written from the perspective of today’s version of the rich people in Downton Abbey is what I’m saying.


Hard-hitting journalism by the Paper of Record here

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Also, the people who freak out about “fertility” are like only 1.5 steps removed from open Great Replacement bullshit.

Our planet is literally breaking in front of us because it can’t sustain this many people using the food/water supply and umping CO2 into the air. Worrying about not having enough humans on planet Earth is the dumbest, most NYT thing ever.

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Human Life is a Ponzi scheme.

There’s definitely some weird shit going on with fertility, but yeah humanity would be under a lot less pressure with like 1/8 as many people. Earth definitely can’t sustain this many of us indefinitely. Fortunately the solution to that problem seems to be stripping every economic incentive to be a parent that exists lol.

Isn’t having a mature non-agrarian economy and educated population (ie Japan) really the thing that lowers birth rates? Just look at the top/bottom lists of country by rate.

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In the US a lot of it is economic I think. I make a decent living and there is absolutely no way I could afford a child.

I read at current birth rates we’d go extinct in a few thousand years. Good. We deserve it

For most of history, having kids was a necessity because you needed someone to take care of you in old age.

Yeah I definitely hear about that but I think the relevant part is that people feel they are even in a position to choose how many kids they have which at least historically doesn’t happen until country economy is quite advanced I think

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Well, not just that, but also cheap labor in middle age.

It explains some of the roe v wade stuff. If you take the view that the US economy needs a poor, permanent underclass, declining birth rates and accessible birth control is a real problem for you.

The only other argument for it is religious nuttery.

You still need someone to take care of you in old age AFAIK and Boomers decided to have less kids, funnel all the resources to the top 1% and demonize immigrants.


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Reminds me of all those “peak oil” scares around the turn of the millennium.

Oh man I’m afraid to say his name

Who? I remember there were some people in the politics forum who were really afraid of it, but can’t remember who it was anymore. Borodog?





Lol that remains one of the most lopsided arguments in BFI of all time.