Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Don’t really know much about Bari Weiss, and sounds like I don’t care to know, but is that tweet out of context, or did that guy totally make a joke about an Israeli baby found in an oven?

The context is that Alareer gave his caustic reply because the “baby in oven” story was made-up.

Finding this required scrolling through a number of search results of Israelis celebrating this non-combatant’s murder by their government which was cool to see.

Weiss is a very bad and dumb conservative writer who was a member of the “intellectual dark web” and was employed for a time as an opinion writer at the New York Times, where she was on the “free speech is under assault on college campuses” beat despite her own history of trying to get Arab professors at Columbia fired for being anti-Israel when she was a student there. She resigned from the NYT, complaining her coworkers were too liberal and too mean to her, and since then has been involved in grifts like starting her own Substack publication (“The Free Press”) and a scam university for conservatives (“UATX”, the University of Austin). Her most recent take at the Free Press is, I shit you not, that the UPenn president who was forced to resign was not a victim of cancel culture, because cancel culture is only when people get canned for reasons she doesn’t like.

Absolutely everyone involved in this conflict is horrible. It is Exhibit A for the futility of humanity.

“Immoral excesses” like murdering a million people.

LOL big day at the NYT


jesus christ need my fucking eclipse glasses for that take

I don’t think there’s a single brand that has taken more damage in my lifetime (with me) than the NYT. At this point I won’t even read their paper because I don’t particularly feel like partaking in naked plutocratic propaganda.

At least the WSJ isn’t pretending to be something it isn’t.

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I clicked through out of morbid curiosity and it is even worse than you’d think from the headline:

On social issues, Mr. Trump has also positioned himself as a kind of moderate. Though he championed the overturning of Roe v. Wade and has charged Democrats with supporting laws that make it legal to “rip the baby out of the womb” in the ninth month of pregnancy,

Just imagine making an argument starting with that disclaimer, now imagine an article where every paragraph begins like that. (It calls him a “moderate” on healthcare, mentioning several campaign claims he made that he obviously had no intention of ever delivering on and then not mentioning that they were a John McCain vote away from repealing Obamacare with no replacement)

In some ways Trump sort of is a moderate as I think we would literally support any policy if it helped him maintain/build power so has no intrinsic anchor to any sort of interest other than self

He did famously wonder aloud “why can’t Medicare simply cover everybody?” before he was corrected by Steve Bannon.

“In this Georgia diner…”


If Trump is the nominee, the malcontents will come home to vote against him.

If Trump is not the nominee, more Trumpers will stay home than reluctant Bideners.

All this is bullshit noise.

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Post 9/11, post Trump NYT has pissed away decades of quality work and credibility, all so they can appeal to a tiny audience of weird Acela belt nerds. Now they’re more or less locked in to pretending Trump isn’t an existential threat to global democracy.

I think you all a little too critical of NYT compared to other an available options. They still write at something better than 1st grade reading level like most places and their more heavily researched/investigative stuff remains generally impressive. Like just off hand seem to remember the Bucha articles being super fucking impressive. Feel like ignoring the opinion type pieces of any publication is a reasonable choice and doesn’t detract from the other stuff

My biggest beef is a personal niche view that they seems somewhat biased against psychiatric medication as a whole but maybe that just pointing out my own bias the other way

You can separate the two, but it should still be considered or else the WSJ is actually a fine media outlet choice.

Longform journalism generally is the only redeeming thing left about journalism… which naturally is why there is less of it every year.

They make $300k…

Personally that seems woefully underpaid if ostensibly they are supposed to be the top couple legal minds in the country and opens them up to all sorts of corruption. Personally I think paying them like 2 million with super strict ethics rules that they can’t even accept a Christmas gift from their cousin would be the way to go.


Bruh have you seen what bidenflation has done to first class tix to the Maldives?