Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

It boggles my fucking mind how so many people on the liberal-centrist spectrum have had their brains broken by trans discourse

*This* is the NYT’s line in the sand! “If you work at this paper, do not fucking talk to us about how we cover trans people” lol these dipshits

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Trump and the national debt

In the Wednesday speech, Biden criticized the fiscal management of former President Donald Trump. After correctly noting that the federal budget deficit increased every year of Trump’s term, Biden said, “And because of those record deficits, no president added more to the national debt – that’s a 200-year debt – never added more to the national debt than my predecessor.”


Facts First: This claim is false. More debt was added in the eight years under President Barack Obama, with Biden as vice president, than in the four years under Trump. The Trump era set the record for most debt added in a single four-year presidential term, but Biden made it sound here like the Trump era set the record even when you include two-term presidents like Obama. (Biden correctly said in his State of the Union address last week that he was referring to a record for debt added in a four-year period.)


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What sucks is that McWhorter has some genuinely interesting books/lectures on language but I guess being the token conservative black academic pays better.

New York Times 1859:




Great pull.


Why the supposed drag Queen ring leaders avoided prosecution…

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What a ghoul

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The NYT union stood up for its members that complained about the paper’s anti-trans work, and a bunch of comfortable shitheads are mad about it:

Bret Stephens wrote a column: “Mask mandates did nothing”


I cannot tell you how much bs there is that everyone had to strongly state conclusions no matter how much underlying uncertainty there is. And I’m dealing with pretty simple systems in fermentation tanks.


I ran at 4 different pHs but on one of the four the probe drifted.

The agitator stopped on batch 3 for an hour.

The analytical data make no sense for the 24 hour time point.

People will just not throw out or exclude their bad data. They’ll note in the report but then not include the caveats on the graphs. And let’s face it, it’s only the graphs and tables that anyone up the food chain will look at it.

Now throw reporters and commentators with agenda as a layer on top of that.

Now I’m upset and won’t be able to sleep. I’ve been battling this for a 36 year applied scientific career.

I love the example posted above about the cholesterol medicine. I mean Jfc- the medical professional masks at work and then goes and swaps spit at an after hours club. But yeah, masking doesn’t work.


Two fucking days covering a murder trial? On the national cable “news” stations?

would you be shocked to find out that a cochrane review, which is what this nonsense is based on, was written by a covid minimalist grifter?

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