Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Yeah, wtf is wrong with his voice?

On a side note, I miss Dr. Fauci :(.

Was talking to a guy at the dinner thing. He was originally from Staten Island so I brought up go to the 911 memorial and having the realization people stood on the shore and watched it all. He said he was on the ferry and watched both planes hit.

He then proceeded to complain about the 911 truthers.

Then we got onto COVID and he said he went yolo and then started taking subtle shots about Fauci changing his mind.

Thankfully the speaker part of the event started about then.

Ronna McDaniel joins NBC News as contributor



Good Article title!


I guess previews don’t work anymore? @admin ?

Anywho, here’s the title:

Some sites just do and don’t work well with the way Discourse wants previews to load. Bloomberg and WaPo are serial offenders iirc, I guess maybe CNN and The Hill don’t work either, NYT has been on and off lately, but plenty of sites do work, ex.



I think this is an OK question by Tapper, it’s really a meatball and AOC’s answer is OK but she could have knocked this one out of the park. “yes, trump IS being treated unequally, if ANYONE ELSE had done half of this shit we would have already had his ass in the basement at gitmo 2 years ago”


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they literally should play the clip any time they want to “correct” comments about the bloodbath comment. Yes he WAS talking about the auto industry, he says it will be a bloodbath for them, THEN he ALSO says “it will be a bloodbath for the ENTIRE COUNTRY” jfc


Dude watching the Sunday shows is zero upside. Even I can ignore them.

I haven’t watched a minute of the 24/7 cable news networks in years. If I want to know what the fox news message of the day is the humane way to check that is to scan their website not watch the whole delivery. If something interesting happens some saint will clip it and post on the internet.

I just watch the clips on twitter

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to be fair, it’s hard to find trans people in Ohio diners.

I can’t put my finger on why, but this article is really stupid:

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There is no “there” there. Unless a lot more of the article is cut off because of the pay window it just kind of ends with “…they must feel responsible and feel bad.” He doesn’t say why they are still on the ship (maritime laws require a ship of that size to always be crewed), he doesn’t give examples of how they are in the spot light or how it would be any different if they were in port (the crew was always going to be asked questions about the accident). The whole article assumes you’re interested that the crew is still on board, but not so interested you’d ask even one followup question about it.

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(credit Ross Douthat for that bonkers quote)

does he even try to quantify that? I guess op-ed guys just go on 100% vibes.

douchehat has never once used “data” it’s for peons

Some real incel shit here

non-paywall link

As it happens, the Labour Party has announced that, when it’s in power, it will help to combat the influence that Andrew Tate has on boys. Surely it would make more sense to help combat the influence The Guardian has on girls.