Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


I wonder who wins the debate!

literally strawmanning

six year old girl buys $440k house (you’ll never guess how she did it!)

(headline says eight but she was 6 when she “bought” the house)

Why didn’t the seller just take her money since she’s not old enough to sign a contract?



literally this fucking cartoon



Imagine still being a Boeing shareholder. The time to get out was probably somewhere between the first and second AirMax whatever crashes, but definitely after the second.

I would have bought after the first and instantly sold after the second if at any point in time it had been close to fairly valued lol. The first crash is a textbook entry for me with a disaster driving the stock into bargain territory and me buying to harvest the rebound or the turnaround whichever comes first. The second crash was a pretty clear sign that this was going to be an ongoing problem and that the turnaround could take a decade+.

This dude might be the tackiest nouveau riche dork I have ever seen in my life. Putting your 6 year old on the property ladder is tacky and screams insecurity, but posting about it on the internet is just wow. Setup your kid with a trust fund like a normal person you weird psychopath.

Had the tube on TruTV from last nights game.

Comes on tonight to a BOGO commercial for The Ark and The Creation Museum.


Basically no coverage of this amidst daily Biden is old headlines


This is what every interviewer should be able to do or they should be fired for incompetence.



lol I don’t think I’ve ever heard his voice before, he sounds like he’s dying at all times, this presidential run is even more of a joke than I previously thought


This was my exact reaction upon watching that clip.

Things I didn’t realize until recently. Larry David’s wife on curb your enthusiasm is RFK Jr’s actual wife.

Yeah it’s very off-putting. You can’t really make fun of it (it’s some neurological condition or something) but yeah this one of many reasons his support will only go down as voters become more acquainted with him. :crossed_fingers: