Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

the clandestine copying and distribution of literature banned by the state, especially formerly in the communist countries of eastern Europe.

Thank you to Matt Taibbi for his bravery in printing the material given to him by the richest man in the world


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Didn’t read due to paywall, but nevertheless sure this belongs here.


In combined SCOTUS + poor media outlet news (particularly galling to see WaPo throw their hat in the ring on this when it is already a guaranteed 6-3 conservative W):


Idk if they thought this would be a funny pun but this headline is terrible.

God, I thought we were done with the WHCP, what an absolute embarrassment at this point.


Decadent and depraved

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Colin Jost is hosting, lol this is gonna be the worst one in history

The one thing Trump had right. Lol these self important trust fund babies playing dress up to laugh at bad jokes as they let the country descend into a fascist hellhole. Should have ended this debacle forever when Michelle Wolff called them out.

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Poor pitchbot, how can he top this


bret stephens?

Guest essay from a founder of this piece of shit

Wtf does this even mean?

How about

yes, rape is bad but the actuarial impact is better than you think

Someone needs to write a definitive history of how the NYT turned into an absolute clownshow. it used to be a serious paper sometime pre-W Bush?

I think the decline aligns almost perfectly with the current shitlib nepo baby assuming the throne. The guy is an absolute dope.


Also seems they so shook to appear left wing bias that they intentionally publish some stuff that I genuinely believe they think is bullshit but somehow believe that will insulate from criticism

Yeah cf the Tom cotton op-ed

Bush-era NYT had garbage politics when it came to the war, but it wasn’t ever this insultingly stupid.