Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

The NY Times wants Trump to win? :thinking:

It’s weird how Trump can openly engage in insurrection and other felonies and remain a leading candidate for the highest office, but lesser candidates are still held to old-fashioned standards and reported on for engaging in the most minor allegedly unethical behaviors.

Like, this is apparently front-page news locally today:


I don’t know if she’s a Republican, but instead of apologizing, maybe she should release a statement that leans into it: “Of course I did it. My opponent is complete garbage, so her stupid flyers are also garbage, and I just did that homeowner a public service by putting them where they belong, in the garbage.”

Her name recognition and polling would skyrocket.

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She’s a Democrat. I thought to myself, there’s no way this would be a story if it was a Republican, so I checked and she’s a Dem.

Like, would people freak out if the pizza delivery guy took the Chinese takeout menu jammed in the door and threw it away? What’s the difference? This isn’t official mail, it’s pamphlets jammed in the door. Nobody likes getting political pamphlets!


lmao. Meanwhile, in reality:


I’m baffled by all the sinister PROJECT 2025 hullaballo. It just sounds like regular GOP talking points? Is any part of it different from what you’d expect Trump policy to be like?

no, it’s all standard stuff, it’s just that republicans usually don’t say some of this stuff out loud

on the other hand they’ve “moderated” what they’re overtly saying about stuff like national abortion bans even though they’re absoltuey gonna do that on like day 1

Think it shows how potentially effective Ds can be against Trump with even minimal messaging

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It’s really fun how like 100 Trump administration freaks wrote out a whole plan to like ban abortion and porn and water torture people on birth control and the media is like “the story here is Trump said he doesn’t agree with all of it.”

Wow. A lot has been normalized. 2025 is a complete takeover of the government so that whatever gatekeepers held during the first term won’t even be there in the second term.

Policies aside- which are basically just more extreme versions of generic R policies, 2025 is taking all brakes out of the system, with the real goal of long term MAGA rule.

Yeah, 2025 is not “normal republican talking points.”

What’s not normal about it? Even banning porn is an idea one or two presidential candidates have openly talked about.

they’ve been talking about getting rid of the EPA and Dept of Education for decades

The old republicans knew that chasing the thing was thing. Not catching it.

The true believers have taken over and are rapidly figuring out how to manage the levers of power more effectively in 2025.

A 500-ft wall across the entire US border is possibly the dumbest idea Republicans have ever had, and that’s just a completely mainstream GOP talking point now. The Dems are on board with a border wall these days, that’s how far the Overton Window has shifted.

You probably don’t believe in white walkers either do you?

I definitely have moments where I am so sick of these idiots wanting a border wall and winning votes on the issue that I want to just let them build it so they shut the fuck up about it. But spending billions on a monument to racism, a middle finger to Latin America, sucks even more than listening to the idiots.

And then I realize that, yes, the Overton Window has shifted so far that some Dems want to build it - not to shut the idiots up, but because they think it’s a good idea.


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I’m old enough to remember when the idea of a border wall was so dumb it got laughed at in the press. That was before Trump came along.

This is unforgivable. What the fuck is Stewart doing?

Earlier in the show, Stewart shredded Republicans for calling for “unity” and “healing” despite doing the opposite in the wake of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump that left one person slain. He then hosted O’Reilly for a 12-minute discussion on the state of politics that led to the shooting, and to discuss his new book “Confronting the Presidents.”

Multiple users pointed out that O’Reilly, once a top-rated cable news host, was forced out in 2017 from Fox News after a series of sexual harassment allegations against him came to light.
