Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I like Stewart still, but his brand has always been like this: sit down and chat with “moderate” Republicans. I think Mike Huckabee was his most frequent guest, and McCain was on twice. He was blindsided (like a lot of us were) by how extreme the right in America really is and he hasn’t re-calibrated. Also, Michael was right, Stewart was just about the most leftist you could get on the air after 9/11.

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Stewart’s recent episodes on The Daily Show have been great IMO, but having Bill O’Reilly on is really bad.


Max Toot

I used to wonder if I was crazy for thinking we’re the most propagandized country in the world


Speaking of women, was Melanoma even at the RNC this year? The little I saw of it, there was the usual parading out of the wives, did everyone just pretend to not notice she wasn’t there?

She was there and they made a big deal of it which obviously shouldn’t be noteworthy for most couple

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Pitchbot has nothing on the real deal


“What if this piece doesn’t give enough respect to the racists’ position”

(The phrase appears in the opinion piece which is actually good, but, uh, that context where it appears matters a lot!)

lmao WaPo and NYT are gonna be SO MAD if they can’t get another month of “who’s it gonna be??” coverage

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Not looking good for the MSM. All the real contenders have fallen in line.

what in the actual fuck

They’re down SO BAD

Cliffs: Conservatives advise Democrats to be more conservative

ah yes more dipshit white male conservatives have arrived to mansplain to Harris how to run a campaign


Hang in there, WaPo!