Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

lol, that wikipedia entry is a wild ride

It sucks that our media is this inept, but also this is hysterical

That’s an awful lot of headlines containing the words “JD Vance” and “sex with a couch” in them. :leolol:


LOL NYT with their usual both-sides nonsense. Harris has been “the one” for less than a week and they’re already banging this drum? Plus, if she were more positive about doing “official” nominee stuff they’d probably whine that she’s doing it prematurely.


One could do this pretty much every day… My eyeballs still hurt from rolling so hard:



The subtitle tells the story though

“ The Trump campaign sees Harris’s laugh as a vulnerability to exploit. But far from a liability, it is one of her most effective weapons”

Yeah, I guess on balance they come out more on Kamala’s side, but it’s another example of how Republicans make up random nonsense out of thin air, and NYT (along with other MSM) legitimize it with stuff like this. (On the home page! Above the fold!).

Im actually happy NYT has gone full mask off, all credibility is gone

It’s a provocative headline by they are dunking on Rs

He’s so dumb. Here’s his brilliant analysis:

It is now a truism that if Democrats have any hope of carrying key swing states and overcoming Trump’s advantages in the Electoral College, they have to break through to white, working-class, non-college-educated men and women, who, if they have one thing in common, feel denigrated and humiliated by Democratic, liberal, college-educated elites. They hate the people who hate Trump more than they care about any Trump policies. Therefore, the dumbest message Democrats could seize on right now is to further humiliate them as “weird.”

The key to winning this election is to sway voters who…take attacks on Trump personally??? lol you fucking idiot

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It certainly is impressive that Ds finally have managed to put Rs on the defensive with such simple messaging. Ds been playing defense for a year straight on Biden age / immigration / etc and now it’s flipped.

I do hope the “weird” angle is more a transitional attack to get things off balance as I’m sure people would get bored of hearing about it for months on end but seems absolutely perfect to fire up heavily online supporters and disorient the Rs finally



(gift link)

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I agree. The “weird” thing is funny now, but it’s already growing tiresome. Let it be a pivot to something equally or more humiliating.

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For it to stop working the GOP has to stop acting super super weird. Yes this means this attack line is as infinitely fatal as ‘you’re old’ was to Biden once it became clear he was in steep decline. Trump and JD are extremely fucking weird.

If you call someone weird and they get defensive about it and or act super fucking weird you get to call them weird again and have it work again basically.

NYT: the key to the Democrats winning in November is to immediately stop the first effective offensive message they’ve had in years if not decades.

We are very smart.

P.S. pls don’t take away our diner safari pieces on random obvious conservatives in the Midwest.

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Yeah I need to hear more about how the author got this quote. wtf.


Stump speeches are always repetitive, and debates and TV appearances are usually a series of shortened segments of stump speeches. This should remain in that mix because it’s effective and true, and the opponents are likely to give us more material to work with on this front.