Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Also, as strange as it sounds, I’m almost inclined to give the current Democratic Party the benefit of the doubt they know what they’re doing. The last nine days have been executed very well.

“im not weird! im not weird!!”, i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob


Lol, WTF.

Surely he’s trolling and it’s just further proof the right can’t make jokes. Their humor is just bigotry.

That’s my dad’s favorite Fox News anchor right there lol

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Petition to have this as new Weird reaction emoji

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Is the photo of the almost assassin inappropriate?

I genuinely think your dad is masking as hard around you as you are around him… and that you both know that if you stopped pretending it would be a huge huge mess.

Not sure it’s a great idea for you to keep talking politics with the guy, although I suspect talking to him about business/culture isn’t going to be any better. Some people just get stupid when they age.

I let my progressive flag fly proudly around him.

It’s more rare now, been fortunate to have plenty of other things to talk about. I’m trying to leave it alone because he’s not in a swing state anyway. We’ll probably discuss it when my parents make their first post-move visit, it’ll be inevitable then. Hoping to shatter some Fox News brainwashing then, but we’ll see.

Yeah the lived experience of California is a little bit different than what Fox News presents.

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Good fucking god keep this ghoul off the air.


I would have guessed he left MSNBC 10 years ago. Nope he left right around when Covid became a thing.

Thought that creep got Me Too’d lol media


If being weird was an Olympic event, these motherfuckers would be cleaning up. They’d have more good than Donald Trump’s bathroom.

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New York Times-ass take

F that

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