Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Georgia will get seriously litigated if Trump loses. I don’t think PA will, or at least not significantly. (He will sue for something but state machinery won’t cooperate).

Didn’t they change the election laws after 2020 and there is a new election board controlled by Trumpers so that it is out of Raffensberger’s hands?

Yeah, you’re right.

I still think there are limits. We shall see. I would hope GA alone won’t be able to swing the EC.

I think there some aspect of how obvious things are, like if GA race is a couple hundred votes and some get sketchily thrown out I could see the GA machinery delivering it for Trump. But if whole media reporting Harris got more votes and these new electoral stooges refusing to certify I think powers to be would probably recognize this as one those scenarios where an angry populace could bring out the figurative or literal guillotines if GA transparently threw the election

How about if they refuse to certify but that doesn’t tip the election? I could see people accepting the non-certification and shrugging – making it impossible to ever win that state.

Yeah that’s more interesting, if Harris wins by enough that GA doesn’t matter I could see SCOTUS being wary enough to go ahead a smack down clear electoral shenanigans in GA. But who knows.

This feels unlikely to me, unless “people” is “courts”. Like even if it doesn’t change the election result, a state refusing to certify and throwing its EVs in the dumpster because some set of state officials doesn’t like the outcome will get litigated to the highest places. (and the good guys may lose! but I don’t think the reaction would be to let it go)

hopefully Harris replaces milquetoaste merrick with someone who will actually do something

honestly it seems really dumb for GA goons to go to the mat in this case. If they can’t flip the entire election then all they’re doing is opening themselves up to a very high probability of jail time with a very, very low probability of getting off and setting a precedent that they would be happy with.

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even for these dipshits that’s some astronomical levels of hair-splitting

“He didn’t say ‘I will not accept it’ he just said ‘it’s cheating’” listen to yourself you sound demented

I don’t even know who the audience for this nonsense is anymore.

People who are barely interested in politics who they are trying to convince to stay home on behalf of the owners of the media outlet. It’s not some big conspiracy it’s just the way the incentives work. People like this get jobs because the people who own newspapers like this lazy mealy mouthed both sides bullshit.

By all means when one person tells you it’s daytime and the other person says it’s nighttime report that instead of going outside and reporting that someone lied to you about what time of day it was.

yeah this is the key

people who say “BOTH SIDES ARE THE SAME” act like they’re free thinkers but they’re the biggest media kool aid drinkers


"He didn’t say those direct quotes, or plain interpretations of direct quotes. Er, well, maybe he said those things, but he didn’t mean them like we know he meant.

“well, he DID “mean them” BUT he at least provided a halfassed completely unbelievable backpedaling statement that he was taken out of context”



Great article about poor media outlet choices: