Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

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The fact checking industrial complex has officially lost it

Never forget the WoPo fact checker guy found exactly one (1) lie during the entire Trump presidency. It’s such bullshit.

Was that the Pinocchio guy?

Yeah, the man was completely allergic to using the word “lie,” and somehow only managed to identify one actual lie in the entire 2016 campaign. Won a Pulitzer for his work!

Completely normal way to describe Obama’s speech from the WSJ here:



I’m so shocked to see the media with big “WELLLLLL AKCHUALLLLLY!” energy for the DNC.

I’m telling you all these guys goal is to keep it close so they can harvest clicks off our agony. Once you see the financial incentives that are behind certain storylines it explains a lot. It’s like if a sportsball game’s refs got a bonus if the team that was supposed to win the game won but didn’t cover the spread. Some weird shit would happen.

We all know this but it’s still sad that it’s true.

Now I want to see Scott foster and Maureen dowd switch jobs for a while

In this article they launder a Q-pilled Trump supporter into, like, some reasonable Republican concerned with issues


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I saw that headline and judged it ahead of time as not worth my time. CONFIRMED.

Gee I wonder who was she following on social media to get her news. JFC NYT.

There is some overlap in that Venn diagram.

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Whose work did he average to get that 40% number?

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42% of statistics are made up.
-Wally (I think).

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lol NY Times forever


It’s fun to try to guess which douche wrote that op-ed. Douthat? Rufo?