Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

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Good opinion piece choice in the Philly Inquirer about poor media outlet choices

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Every fucking time lol

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The timing on this indictment is bad, but only because it wasn’t 3 years ago. If you’re going to try this crime so late he gets to run again at least it’ll be very clear to anyone who wants to help him steal this election that doing so is likely going to result in federal felony charges.

New challenges for who??? Lol


Just print the remarks he shared, stop dancing around it. Media wants him to win soooooo bad.


When I see something this outrageous without a link provided, I try to find the source. The closest I got is:


which does not have those exact words but does manage to write 9000 words about whether mass deportations will lower rents.

The screenshot is probably from a post on their website linking to that article and briefly summarizing it.

The original source of that quote is here and the link does indeed go to the link you identified.

Very nice of them to put Trump’s false framing front and center:

You have to go deep in the article to see sections like

Harris Was Not Responsible for the Law

Shoplifting Is Still a Crime in California

or this quote that should shut down the entire debate

While California’s $950 felony threshold for shoplifting has been held up as an example of leniency in a famously liberal state, it is actually the 10th strictest in the nation. States such as Republican-led Texas, Alabama and Mississippi allow even higher levels of theft before a felony is triggered.

Very good thread on the NYT’s corrosive effect on media coverage, and how it determines what does and doesn’t get treated as “news”:

Hillary’s emails are the clearest example of this but in the last year there’s also

  • Harassing Claudine Gay into resigning
  • Breathless coverage of Gaza protests at Columbia that forced the university to escalate and bring in police (leading protesters to occupy buildings in response)
  • Front page stories on Biden’s fitness every day between the debate and him stepping down

Meanwhile they wrote one article on Trump maybe getting a $10M bribe from Egypt and his own DOJ eventually squashing the investigation, never to be thought about again


And separately


Every fucking time.


MSNBC is in on this shit now?

always has been



My edem econbro friend just keeps defending the NYT. “They’re the paper of record!” “They have to report both sides!” “You’re missing the sarcasm!”
