2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

I assume somebody must have done it, probably many somebodies over a period of time, because the microwave meal packaging always has a warning about not putting it in the regular oven (plastic plus oven temps equals bad outcomes).

But like kerowo says, if you took the food out of the original plastic packaging and put it in an oven-safe dish, it would be fine, I’d think.

Gosh the physics are very different but I’m only talking about the convenience factor here. It seems loopy to wait for the over to get up to temp and then bake for 15 min instead of throwing it in the microwave for 7 mins.

I guess it’s just weird that the conventional oven cooking directions always come before the microwave directions.Or that there are conventional oven directions at all for a meal that is clearly meant to be microwaved.

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1st world thinking. Sadly there are those wo microwaves.

Random interesting Wikipedia article of the day:

tl;dr CA started using this geothermal field for power in the 70s, causing it to become an incredibly frequent source of (small) earthquakes. As the yield from those power plants began to decrease in the 90s due to the extraction of steam outpacing the replenishing of its water, they started pumping treated wastewater back into the field to increase it again.

Your treated shit (well, if you live in certain parts of Lake County) keeping your lights on!

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54 posts were split to a new topic: Flub-A-Blub-Blub, 5 Billionaires in a Sub

The pure joy of my daughters first swim lesson today will be an all time great memory for me.

Also, on a related note, holy crap I’m tired out from that





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Youtube is… becoming alive, apparently. Obviously its because I listened to the album there lately but for it to suggest… this… reimagining of one of my favorite albums, but also, one of my favorite songs from a different artist is uh interesting.




Gee I wonder why

Well maybe 20 full years where the military’s job is to sit and be targets was bad for morale. Who woulda thunk it?

yeah gonna be weird and meta and say I’ve had an incredibly entertaining last few hours of my life. S tier stuff here.


No I drove back thank god. And got very drunk obviously.

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Pulled a lot of weeds yesterday and now I’m basically dead. Fuck I’m old

Lol youre not old. I think you could pull weeds and not hurt like hell for a very long time if you wanted to.

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