2024 Campus Protests: Freeze Peach Under Attack (By Cops)

Depends on who is writing the history.

Imagine still stanning for the deaths of 30-40k people using this tired “the other side is worse and says bad stuff” language lol

Quoting the article from this post again:

It is easy when looking backward to remember the fight for a good cause as pure and untainted, even if it did not seem so at the time. In the same way, we now remember the Vietnam War as an American tragedy. The students at Columbia University who protested it seem, in retrospect, to have been right. But our memories elide some of their more outré tactics. A list of popular chants employed by antiwar protesters at a time when thousands of American soldiers were dying each year fighting in the war included things like “One side’s right, one side’s wrong, We’re on the side of the Viet Cong!” and “Save Hanoi, Lose Saigon, Victory to the Viet Cong!”

Zero question who CN would have supported back then

This is lazy and dishonest.

This is also lazy and dishonest

Come on…. There can be parallels to a historical situation without painting both as black and white identical.

Neither lazy or dishonest. The kids you oppose are incensed about the moral failure of the supposed adults in charge to allow the senseless murder of Palestinian civilians, and your response to that is to nitpick about slogans and question their cause. You’ve made it extremely clear what your values are here.

Goofy last time I checked I don’t support Israel glassing Palestine or even a true large scale invasion. I’m also allowed to think that these college protests have some bad people and ideas in them, and that arguing things like “Jews back to Europe” is racist bullshit.

Buddy, you’re saying quite a lot more than that when you pick out the worst elements of a large & diverse group of protesters to question if the entire movement will be on the right side of history or not. Bigly telling on yourself!

It’s not a fringe element of the group to say that they support Hamas. It just isn’t. Sorry. Supporting hamas is stupid and harmful to the peace process.

It is, in fact, possible to have strongly negative views of Hamas and Israel’s current government.

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Hahahahahahahahahahaha ok

And Bibi is likely exploiting this dynamic. He knows Biden can’t turn completely against him, and he knows Trump will totally back him on anything and everything. So it’s in his best interest to put Biden in the worst situation possible and maximize his chances of getting Trump.

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If you say so.

I mean this actually was productive and helped get to the core of your argument: that The College Kids Support Hamas. I think that’s self-evidently ludicrous and am perfectly comfortable with readers of this thread evaluating your arguments based on whether they do or don’t agree with your premises.

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Have you, you know, actually read or listened to any of the groups running these protests?

ikes literally played the “nice kids you got there, sure would be a shame if someone dropped a bomb on them” card yesterday, nothing goofy has said is dishonest here at all

I think everyone should take it down a notch here. This is a complex topic. It is not black and white. There are not easy good guys or bad guys. I think everyone is posting in good faith, and I don’t think anyone deserves the insinuation that they are not.

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Police are attacking encampments at schools across the US but it’s notable when stuff like this happens to faculty. Separately:

this seems like an invitation to the ACLU for a lawsuit

“1A” (works for FIRE) and “freespeech” (famous disastrous mouthpiece for the government) in profile names



Man, New York is such a garbage city these days. Can’t keep the libraries open, the cops are absolutely nuts.