2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

I had thought it could be that, but I thought they were supposed to be painless. I guess I’ll get checked out the first time it happens after 1/1… Can’t waste pre-deductible dollars on 2023, USA#1 love my healthcare don’t you dare change it politicians!

It depends largely on the specific of the questions and response. To answer that fully would probably require more typing than I want to do at the moment. To make a long story short I would say that, I’d consider it a lie in a lot of cases.

I’m not saying that your statement is wrong in this instance, but as a general rule, in logic, if a statement is true, the inverse is not necessarily true. In other words, if p, then q does not imply if not p, then not q (i.e. they are not logically equivalent). However if p, then q does imply if not q, then not p. (those two statements are logically equivalent). So you could reorder the words in your sentence to attain logical equivalence.

According to Merriam Webster, no you are not lying.

Get better soon!

Fluids, rest … and call yourself in the morning


twitter’s algorithm isn’t completely broken, it’s still serving me great shit like this


Look if conservatives weren’t NPC’s you could skill check with words they like we probably wouldn’t be in the situation we’re in.

Yes, there is a difference between lying and simply being wrong.

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So we’ve established that neither saying something you believe to be false but is true and saying something you believe to be true but is false is lying. Because to lie requires both a belief that what you are saying is false and for that thing to actually be false.

That’s lying.

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I think you are paying more attention to the truthiness of the statement instead of the intent of the speaker. If I can deceive you by telling the truth in an unconvincing way, I don’t think there is much difference than in deceiving you by saying something false very convincingly.

So you believe that whether or not someone is lying is based solely on the intent of the speaker?

Is this purely theoretical or is there a certain type of situation you have in mind where seems practically important to determine if the statement was classified as a lie or not?

Purely theoretical

Willful ignorance and related concepts like come into play. See denial, election as exhibit A. (And they don’t really believe it, but are trying to appear like they do).

Do you think that all statements can only be one of “lie” or “truth”. Is both possible? How about neither?

I’m mostly interested in the theoretical discussion of what is a lie. The question effectively comes down to does intent only matter? factual basis only matter? or is it dependent on the combination of both? The MW definition seems to imply it is dependent on meeting both factors, but some here differ with that assessment and say intent only matters. I don’t believe I’ve seen anyone argue for factual basis only being the deciding factor.

This discussion started based on me hearing the original question of if it was a lie if you say something you don’t believe but is factually true.

Well you have to define lie first, right? Is a lie anything that is not the truth?

So what we have is:

Believe, Factually true - not a lie

Believe, factually false - not a lie

Don’t believe, factually false - lie

Don’t believe, factually true - ?

I think it would help to have a more concrete example for this. Like suppose somebody is applying to be elections worker and is asked if they believe the 2020 election was rigged and stolen. They say:

“The 2020 election was not rigged and stolen.”

If the applicant is in fact an undercover MAGA agent and does not believe the statement, I think this would qualify as a lie, regardless of the “objective” truth of the underlying statement. Their intent is to deceive, as far as they know they are being deceptive.

Maybe another way to look at it: if a polygraph machine was accurate and reliable, I think it would definitely flag this statement as a lie.

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Flu update -

Brag: got excused from childcare duties tonight
Beat: because my daughter took one look at me and said nah
Variance: Fever has been hitting 103, so now I have Foreigner stuck in my head

At least some bowl games are on

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