2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Stewart was the most liberal guy on TV in the 00’s, but idk how well his vibe will translate in the Trump era.

He’s been throwing 101 mph on Apple TV, nobody is watching tho.


For the “DEI is going to kill people” crowd, I would like to know what percentage of the people involved in this carnival of events are white men.

Choose you seats vewy vewy carefuwy, Doc.

If he recalibrates his material and adapts to the Trump era, Stewart could be pretty great.

We “upgraded” to some kind of extra-legroom seats, so I think we’ll be clear of the exploding door plugs.

Of course, I’ll be keeping my seat belt fastened the whole way…

There was a recent Netflix documentary (The Case Against Boeing, I think) after the two Max crashes that really highlighted the abandonment of its engineering-focused culture in favor of a “generate cash for stockholders” culture. So really, like most things, it was capitalism all along.


Stewart is the GOAT at this. My expectations are through the roof. You should probably give it a shot. Even if just for entertainment value. You’re right that it probably won’t move the needle much, but still an enjoyable watch, imo.

Comedy central, Mon thru Thurs nights.

Yeah, this too.

Wait the company that’s been trying to qualify a manned space capsule that had to fix multiple software issues midflight including

a software code error just two hours before the vehicle reentered Earth’s atmosphere. Had the error not been caught, the source said, proper thrusters would not open during the reentry process, and the vehicle would have been lost.

then had issues with stuck thrusters on the flight after that then had to call off their next flight weeks before it happened because

Starliner’s parachute system is designed to land a crew safely in case one of the three parachutes fails. However, due to the lower failure load limit with these soft links, if one parachute fails, it’s possible the lines between the spacecraft and its remaining two parachutes would snap due to the extra strain.

The second issue involves P-213 glass cloth tape that is wrapped around wiring harnesses throughout the vehicle. These cables run everywhere, and Nappi said there are hundreds of feet of these wiring harnesses. The tape is intended to protect the wiring from nicks. However, during recent tests, it was discovered that under certain circumstances possible in flight, this tape is flammable.

has shitty QA??

He’s going to be going viral on TikTok every week, Gen Z is going to like him I think.

Watching Bill Ackman’s brain melt down in real time

I know it doesn’t matter, but damn this is such a beat down of gun laws

I was and I’m super pumped for him to go back to running the Daily Show. In case anyone is worried he’s going to be an establishment shill Apple literally fired him for not being an establishment shill already last year.

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It’s almost like if you need to outsource building mission critical software to a third party software development team manned by the cheapest labor they could find globally to hit this quarters numbers you should miss this quarters numbers.

I know I keep harping on it, but I think MBA’s and short term thinking are a major root cause contributor to a lot of problems in the world.

47 posts were split to a new topic: Vince is a POS + Emoji Replacement Thread

This inspired me to give it a go this weekend, pickleball was pretty fun, may try to pick it up

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Warning: the more you play and the better you get, the more addicting it becomes.

Yeah we took a lesson at some place mostly focused on the rules so really hardly played, trying to look into which local parks would be most inviting for a beginner

I saw once again

If you’re playing pickleball you’re already dead.

Maybe it’s a regional thing. There was about 100 people spread out throughout the courts and probably 15 were kids, 5 college age, about 30 were in 30s/ early 40s and 50% over 45. So obviously skewed old but had a solid young component.