2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Not regional, Dan is just one of those grumpy tennis purists. Pickleball is a bona-fide pro sport now with insanely athletic and talented people competing at stupid high levels.

I prefer the term curmudgeon.

Seriously my problems are

*complete lack of knowledge of etiquette
*displacing of tennis courts

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Those are valid complaints. I think I am very removed from both of those as the high level players both know etiquette and don’t play on tennis courts, and now have dedicated facilities to play at that aren’t competing with tennis courts. The open play groups with all the olds definitely could improve in that regard.

They each take 5 trips to their car before they even get started and the only door is by the tennis court that is not lined for both.

Yea that’s absurd. I think that’s mostly a location specific failure of facility design and the idiots local to you being rude and stupid. I’m sorry they have given you a negative perception of the sport, rightfully so.

Lots of stories at other public parks. Players expecting tennis players to stop because their normal time is 900 when they are clearly first come first serve. Then occupy the courts for hours as wave after wave mixes in like pickup basketball.

I’ve been playing only on dedicated courts since I started playing regularly in 2017 so I guess I’ve been isolated from those issues entirely. Sounds real shitty, and really shouldn’t be happening. Sorry you have to deal with it.

Sounds like this more a misappropriation of assets by the parks committees/etc if there a huge number of demand for pickleball and they aren’t meeting that demand

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It would work fine at our park if they just used a little common sense. I took to effusively praising anyone that understood etiquette. Barney and Midge are clueless.

Gonna try and get another door added for PB players. Plus maybe a little sitting area outside the courts so they do their effing chatting away from me.

Have a group of 10-15 low to mid 30s friends that have gotten way into pickleball the last couple years. It’s definitely not just an olds thing. I’m kind if sad about it since those were my frisbee golfing people and now they never want to do that. I like pickleball but I’m not super into it like some of them.

We either play indoors at a pickleball facility or outdoors on designated courts, never on tennis courts.

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Levine wrote about this guy last year:

Yeah it’s such a good grift. When feeling a little burned out I sometimes fantasize about moving up into leadership roles of some various admissions committees stuff I’ve been involved in over time then quitting to grift rich parents who want kid into medschool by consulting for much more humane sums.

The whole college admissions game is the height of absurdity. I got into Princeton with zero help from anyone, and if I could do it over again I would choose the scholarship to Michigan. It’s all status seeking for bored rich people.

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I have significant regrets that I did not go to a worse law school that offered me lots of money.

I regret going to college at all tbh. That’s what I get for majoring in a special interest though. By the time it was over I was barely ever going to class, playing way too much league of legends, and just generally being depressed by what I had learned about economics in the previous couple of semesters lol.

I really did love it once. If I ever sound super bitter it’s because once I reached 400-500 level courses it became incredibly obvious that they were just making shit up and couldn’t care less about how tightly the discipline mapped to reality. Every time you thought ‘ok but that’s not how it’s working right now in the real world’ what you would get in return was a deeply unsatisfying ‘but in theory if you hold xyz constant it would’.

And to anyone thinking ‘you just admitted you never went to class of course you didn’t get anything out of it’ I read all the books, made good grades, and was well liked by most of my professors. The one whose position was sponsored by the BB&T foundation tried to recruit me to be a professional libertarian like him ffs. His pitch was literally ‘you seem to be lazy, smart, and well spoken… how would you like to get paid decent money to do almost nothing?’ Really glad my career worked out. Wouldn’t love having turning that down being a major regret.

Being good at econ and majoring in it is probably a bit like going to school to be a chiropractor. By the time you realize the whole thing is pseudoscientific bullshit you’ve already taken quite the package of student loans and invested a ton of time into it.


this morning I’m on a call with a prospect in sweeden and he mentioned he is “60 sweedish miles” north of stockhom and TIL that this is a thing Scandinavian mile - Wikipedia

On the subject of odd/interesting stuff in Sweden…

I’ve been reading a bunch of Swedish mystery novels (the Martin Beck series, among others), and one of the books mentions “the day Sweden switched to right-hand traffic.” I was curious and it was quite the undertaking:

Kungsgatan 1967.jpg
By Jan Collsiöö - Så var det, Public Domain, Link


I read the Beck novels a few years ago. No one does bleak and depressing quite like the Scandinavians.