2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

One of the aftershocks of COVID-19 is going to be a whole generation of kids getting completely preventable childhood illnesses.


Is Ben stiller a rare Hollywood good guy?

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optimal play is Ad, As, Ks, think for a long time, 9h, laugh, “tram”.

I was so shocked I didn’t even consider trolling. I said right up front “LOL most ridiculous hand ever”

The pass was fine too. Opponent gave me 6 :hearts: K :spades: A :diamonds:.

Haven’t heard much about NY’s polio outbreak lately. I guess that’s a good sign.

whole thread


Take seems a little Two Thousand and Late. We had this conversation back when Sarah Palin was pandering about Real America. She lost, but Republicans decided it was a winning theme.


I’ve talked about what a total fucking waste of oxygen BalajiS is on unstuck, here’s his NEW PODCAST

Welp, my wife’s grandmother (who I’ve loved and called grandma for 15 years or so is rapidly declining. Has metastatic cancer in her spine and lungs. Sweetest person I’ve ever met in my life.

Frustrating to me is that no one seems to have talked about what to do in this situation in her family. So because no one knows, she currently has no advanced directive and is therefore getting chemo and is a full code. The best treatment for this woman is a shit ton of pain meds and some comfort before she dies.

Also her son, who is a doctor, has decided to just stop seeing her. Presumably because he knows what happens next. Fucking coward. I bet he’ll show up when they figure out the will


Sorry to hear this. Lost my mom to stage 4 ovarian cancer. Even with good care decisions, it’s a painful and dignity stripping disease. Fuck cancer.


This situation right here is why I am picking my last day well in advance of the point where it stops being my choice. The family has multiple doctors and is still handling the situation about as poorly as it can be handled it sounds like.

My deepest sympathies about what you’re going to have to experience next.

What broke Twitter is millions of labor lawyers trying to take up this case:


What was the TUGSA strike?

Grad student strike, the tuition reimbursement is part of her pay. Some doofus literally decide to state in writing that they’re docking her pay for participating in protected speech. It’s an interesting strategy.

How can you do take backsies on free tuition?

Grad school isn’t technically free, they just give you a reimbursement as part of the deal.

You aren’t getting a tuition waiver as some sort of technicality though. Like, those students are never applying in the first place if it’s understood that the tuition is anything other than zero. It’s the linchpin for anyone ever agreeing to get these degrees at all. I’ve never heard of anyone getting rug pulled like that even after quitting early, being forcibly removed for behavior, medical withdrawal, etc.

LOL imagine how surprised the admin is gonna be when they finally figure out they can’t easily find scabs to do PhD-level work for $19k in downtown Philly.

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Excellent use of $50.

hail satan

Came with card, cert, sticker. Wife is like “oh we should put the sticker on the back of our car!” and I’m like um… not a great idea.