2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

No, but I do think it used to be more like 5/7.

I never really noticed this until having kids. I swear they only fully adjusted to last time change about a month ago lol

So I’m in Walgreens, and some dude comes walking down the aisle wearing sunglasses… inside… on a cloudy day. Stops me and an employee who happens to be walking past. “Don’t people know that we can bring prices down? We can do that! We made them go up. Humans did! We can bring them back down.”

Like, is this fucking guy talking to me? I realize he is, and he’s waiting for a response. I briefly consider a “name your price” joke, but I’m not feeling it. I then consider asking him if he, too, was listening to Jerome Powell’s Senate Banking Committee testimony in the car, but that sounds painful even in my mind. I gesture towards what I’m looking at on the shelf, as if to say, “Bro, I’m just trying to buy what I need and get out of here.”

He looks at me, the employee looks at me, she asks me if I need help, and he realizes that he’s not going to convince us to start a grassroots deflationary revolution and heads towards the register.

just steal the shit

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I mean that’s pretty much what I did when I was a teenager and very very poor. There was a whole summer where the only reason my brothers and I got food was Walmart not being good at recognizing the product you were returning had been stolen. The 90’s really were a different time lol.

more good news for boeing

There’s a Last Week Tonight episode about Boeing that posits that Boeing management increases profits with no regard for quality and safety.

Boeing isn’t responsible for the maintenance of the planes, wheels falling off and bad landings are United problems more than Boeing. That Last Week Tonight episode about Boeing is brutal.

(I missed the last sentence of your post when I first read it.)

There’s likely enough blame to go around. From that episode though I got the impression that Boeing turns a blind eye to problems and the technical documentation is incomplete which might result in shoddy maintenance.

If it’s the same manufacturer having problems over and over again then it’s a where there’s is smoke there’s fire situation. Even if we can’t exactly pinpoint where Boeing messed up.

I mean, it’s hard to know without a lot more details which problems fall into which category, right? An airplane can crash because of pilot error or maintenance error or because of, as in the Indonesia & Ethiopia Max crashes, Boeing’s plane design. Likewise, that person who claimed to be a Boeing whistleblower said the door that blew out was Boeing’s fault, though you could imagine similar problems that fall on airline maintenance.

Some of the reports about the max 8 incident this morning said that one of the landing gear “collapsed” but others just said it exited the runway without elaborating. Probably will know more soon

Also seeing reports that another United Boeing bird diverted to LAX this evening with hydraulic trouble

I’m supposed to be flying on a Southwest Airlines Max 8 with my wife for a weekend getaway (first one without the kids since we had the kids) this May. Now I’m second-guessing because I really don’t want to orphan my kids.

Party of five. They turned out ok (I think).

Didn’t you use to be able to buy life insurance at the airport just for the flight? Or was that an old movie trope way back when.

I don’t think I’ve seen this since the early 80s but yeah, I absolutely remember the weird Mutual of Omaha kiosk in the ticketing lobby.

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I’m not trying to a Boeing apologist or anything, they changed from a culture of quality and safety to one of profit first, a classic MBA driven company. But a wheel falling off not on the first or second flight of a plane doesn’t seem likely to be something missing from the plant, possible I suppose, but I would expect to find something was missed in maintenance first. Airlines are also ran by MBAs. Likewise, a plane rolling off a runway also seems much more likely to be pilot error than something that was messed up at the plant. I’m ready to change my mind as we get more information.

5,000 Max 8 flights a day, how many issues have we seen? Do the math, I’ll bet it is still safer than driving.

well yeah, nobody has died or been seriously injured (in this current string of fuckups)

Still safer than driving to wherever.


Played a “novice” pickleball king of the hill type format thing with short games today and was awesome. Had a great time.

Need to find someone to practice with a little though because if trying to win every point seems my only viable option is to serve deep and then drive straight down middle hard on 3rd shot and hope they don’t handle it well but just doing that every time obviously not going to be good for learning longterm. Whenever I tried a soft 3rd shot I left it too high. Still seemed to put me in the top half (of the novice) players overall so had a lot of a competitive games

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That strategy will work against other novice players but as soon as you face even low intermediate players you’ll need to have a more well rounded approach for sure.

Tips to get your drops shot lower:
1: lighten your grip. If a strangling your handle is a 10 and holding it loose enough for me to easily knock it out of your hand is a 0, you want your grip strength for drops shots to be about a 4. Same goes for dinks and any softer shot.
2. Footwork. Open your hips for pretty much every shot, including drops. You dont want your hips/shoulders square with the net. Think of a QB throwing, or a batter hitting, or any other sport really and emulate that. Seems basic, but a surprising amount of beginners hit everything square to the net.
3. Hit the ball in front of your body. Dont wait until its in line with your body or worse behind you to make contact.
4. Aim to have the arc of the ball peak at your non volley zone line, and start dropping as it approaches the net from there.

To drill the right form and force, just stand near the baseline and underhand toss a ball trying to get it to land in the opposong non volley zone. When you get that dialed in consistently you’ll find doing it with a paddle becomes much easier.

Keep playing and definitely drill with someone if you can. You get way better way faster from drilling than playing. Glad you are having so much fun with it!

Eta: inb4DanYellsAtClouds