2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Just put on ABC ya hoser.

Oh, that was a great goal by Pasta



Yearly reminder that the last time a Canadian team won the Cup was 1993 and like a quarter of the league is in Canada, the odds of this long of a drought by random chance are under 1%

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Boston, Rags and FLA so unlikeable. Gotta root for the Canes.

Looks like we’re guaranteed a Canadian team in the WCF, tho, so there figures to be hope for them for a while.

Start potty training tomorrow.

Wife, child psychologist, has a plan. It involves no diapers, just normal undies, and watching her like a hawk

Sounds similar to our plan, but ours was for completely bottomless kids for a week. It actually worked really well.

Yeah we did naked kids with a couple plastic floor potties spread around house. Pump them full of juice the first day so they pissing like race horses. After a day or two gave them pants with no underwear and then maybe a week later underwear. The hardest part was always a week or two in when you felt confident enough to do stuff and then someone just takes a huge adult sized shit on someone’s kitchen floor

Yeah, sounds familiar

Man I love my kids beyond words but there is no sugar coating the first 3 years are just plain awful

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I dunno. Yeah, there are fewer problems with bodily substances now, but those problems in 0-3 year olds are mostly predictable and mitigate-able with planning and vigilance. Now, the emotional problems are more unpredictable, and the constant battle of wanting more independence but not the increased responsibility that comes with it is only going to get worse. And our girls aren’t yet mature enough to weaponize their anger and target it at the insecurities of their parents.

Potty training went very smoothly with our first. And terribly with our second. We just got through it with our second.

Guillotines for this dumb af sport


Ribeye quesadillas lol wtf

This is the opposite of us, and it sounds really weird to me that this was the case for you. Little sister wanted to be like big sister, so she wanted to copy her going potty, too. It was a lot harder with the first child, as there wasn’t that peer pressure or desire to copy.

Man, maybe I took the lazy way out with both my kids, but I just kept them in pull ups until they said they were ready / wanted to wear underwear, and I had basically zero accidents. Started with just wearing pull ups at night, until eventually none at all.

Yeah this was our experience as well, think was just hard for us to stay focused on the second so there was a lot them pissing in the car seat and remembering we had forgotten to ask them to go or they were peacefully sitting on floor potty and then get run over by older sibling. Much different home environment the second time around haha

I just did whatever my wife wanted because I could care less and seemed it was trendy to do it pretty young, think between 2 and 2 1/2. Worked great with first one, second was way more work. I’m sure it’s one those thing every 5 years there is new opinion on what is best and Mom blogs saying if you do it any other way your damaging your kids lol

It really had nothing to do with what was trendy at the time lol, I was just lazy as fuck and cleaning up messes is gross.

Pffft, a bargain compared to the items on the left side, it seems.