2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

It’s pretty amazing how adept phone cameras were for this, the fact that iPhone and I’m sure others switched to doing default long exposures instead of flash at night made us all just able to point phone at sky and take some previously world class pictures

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If I remember correctly, you were suggesting that Tiktok ban was motivated by it attacking Dems/Biden from the left.

Thoughts on this:


First I’d clarify that it was anti-establishment, anti unregulated capitalism, populist messaging that I think is behind the ban. I thought banning it would hurt Biden and that it was the best social media platform for the left. With that in mind, a few thoughts:

  1. A lot of the conservative content I see starts off left wing populist but at the end veers off into tax cuts will fix this.

  2. I wouldn’t be shocked if a 2 to 1 right to left ratio makes TikTok the most left wing platform.

  3. I’d like to see the total amount of views of content on both sides compared to other platforms as a better gauge.

That sounds bad but one of the kids I went to high school with married one of their teachers after graduation and they’ve been married ever since so I’m not sure it is universally bad. I imagine the worst case of young women being preyed upon by older men is much worse than the rare long term relationship pushes it in that direction though.

I’m roughly the age he was when he started the relationship with a 17 year old and it’s objectively super fucking gross.


Yup nothing will make you realize how creepy dating a teenager in your 30’s is like being 39 years old and meeting a teenager. I do not get it at all.


Oh, yeah, it is beyond disgusting. 18 year olds are kids.

45 years old here and if something ever happened to my wife and I were back in the dating pool, there’s no fucking way I’d go any younger than 30 (and even that’s pushing it, it’s probably more like 35).

I work at a college so I see and interact with 18-24 year olds on a semi-regular basis and just, ew, no.

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He’s afraid of Chinese EVs and not the Japanese and Korean EVs that have been kicking Detroit’s ass? I’ll be afraid of Chinese cars when I literally see a single one ever on the road.

Well, you probably won’t for as long as we have like a 30% tariff on Chinese cars, I think the point of the article is that what they’re making is good and American automakers should be scared if those tariffs are ever removed.




“Meteor”. Likely story.


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Where are we at with Amazon delivering packages to your door with the wrong name and address on them? I’m a bit curious because it has hazardous material markings on it, maybe it’s some ammo for my next trip abroad?

Is it a nearby address? If so I probably bring it to them. If it’s nowhere near close I probably open it and keep it if want it.

Hazardous material label is probably due to a rechargeable battery.

Never heard of the street but I grew up in a small town and learned to navigate by landmarks, not street names. Go to Bowling Alley and turn left. Go to the VIPS Denny’s and turn right.

Address was a block away so I put it on his welcome mat. Battery probably didn’t fit my shit anyway…



That’s a weird looking cat you got there.


Math checks out lol