The Non-political ANGER THREAD

I recently paid a similar amount for a “senior” cat bloodwork. My cat is 8 years old.

Still 95% cheaper than having kids, so I tell myself my life decisions have paid off.


You’re also not allowed to euthanize your kids when the medical bills would get too expensive.


Thanks Obama!

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That is considered senior. Mine is 12, still kickin and no health problems, but yea it’s like $500 once or twice a year for a full screen. Cats die suddenly of problems because they don’t typically show symptoms or pain very often until it’s very advanced.

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NEW wrinkle on this one!

  1. listening to podcast on phone
  2. remove one airpod to scratch ear
  3. put airpod back in, expect podcast to resume
  4. nothing happens
  5. push button
  6. something that is not my podcast starts playing
  7. a random youtube tab that I opened on my laptop 3 months ago and buried among 470 other tabs I have opened is now playing
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I should clarify that my cats are 2.

We took our other cat in because she had a cold (that had cleared up by the time a vet could see her, so they pretty much just said “…yep, it’s a cat”) a week before, so obviously the issue with our second cat was the exact same cold but gotta drop $500 on tests to make my wife feel better.

Now she wants to spend $600 on getting his teeth cleaned.

We originally got the cats because “if we’re not going to have a baby I at least want kitties to keep me company” but guess who’s pushing hard for a baby now? :harold:

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lmao if that was her reason for getting a cat you were already fucked

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the same shitbag I’ve been complaining about that starts new slack group DMs 40x/day and CALLED MY CELL PHONE unscheduled rather than just slack me sent out invites for a 7:00AM call THIS MORNING, and sent it YESTERDAY at noon AND then slacked me about it at 9:30PM. I am going to show up since it’s with a prospect but I’m not going to ack either his invite or the slack.

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Did he frantically call/text/DM you this morning before 7am to ask if you were coming?

try to print a recipe from one of those dumb cooking bloggers, get the “printable view” and when I print it, there’s a huge embedded video right in the middle of the page, oh yeah I can really click on that in the printout you fuck, now I just have a big goofy pic of the dumb blogger eating the dumb thing, which eats up a bunch of ink and make the printout take two pieces of paper instead of one, FUCK YOU

(this mostly pissed me off because the iphone print preview just showed a big blank space where the video is, but the actual thing that came out of the printer has the goofy thumbnail frame printed out)

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You might try the reader view next time, it usually clears out the extra crap.

For our weekly card game with my parents, we’ve used the free version of Zoom with a 40 minute time limit since the start of Covid, and since the game would usually take an hour I’d just start a new meeting when the time limit ran out and everyone would rejoin in a couple minutes.

Apparently they decided they need to upsell more people on paying for Zoom, so after 40 minutes passes it stops me from starting a new meeting for ten minutes. So someone else has to start it, which is usually my wife, but then she always forgets her Zoom password or something and needs to reset it like every week, so it takes forever to get back into the meeting.

gonna need an answer to this, that’s a real corporate power move by pvn

What game do you play? Assume you use an online game?

Oh, no, no panic, at least nothing overt. I don’t think it even registered with this guy that he did this in the worst possible way and I’m a pro so he never even considered the possibility that I wouldn’t show

Yeah, we play Hearts online.

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That should be fun. I’ve done some cribbage online w family.

Yahoo hearts was exceptionally bad to play. They couldn’t handle any mistake made, they’d rather quit vs lose. No fun at all.

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We play on, it seems pretty good and has a number of other card games (not cribbage though).

Lost half my Saturday responding to a stupid work slack and now it’s snowing… MF!

IDK what’s wrong with me but every 12 months like clockwork it seems like, I destroy a $200 mech keyboard by dumping liquid on it. wtf? At least we have a microcenter.