2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice




I’m getting a 2nd opinion on this btw, kinda irritated with this dermatologist (I left a message for her nurse last week after the insurance company wouldn’t approve the shingrix and I haven’t heard back from them, just really kind of disappointed in this practice in general)

update on this, I moved to tmobile, $105/month for four lines with 50gb/month each (I opted out of the the bullshit plan that comes with netflix or whatever) compared to $170/month I was paying on AT&T (and that included a big fat $10/month per line discount I had as an ex-HP employee that they never removed).

also the kids both have iphone 11s, tmobile gave me $830 each for those on trade in so I got them both new 15 pros (AT&T wanted to give me $300 each for them)

Literally just did a U turn after walking into a 5 guys. $12 for a cheeseburger only? LOL GTFO

Got a hot tip from a homeless guy who just told me “you can get a whole bag of food at McDonald for 5 dollars now”

That’s pretty standard now afaict. All fast casual is $10-14 for the main.

thank’s obama

Maybe this was intentional, but I feel like the slogan “Two [anything], one cup” should never be used for anything ever again.

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Driving on the interstate tonight through the desert, a good 20 miles from the nearest town, around 1am. We’re in the right lane and all of a sudden we see a body laying face down in the right shoulder, motionless, arms down by its side. Their face looked either dirty, burnt, or blackened by grease or something (hard to tell at 70 mph). It was at a right angle to the flow of traffic, laying across the shoulder and within a foot or so of the right lane.

We called 911 to report it, and we weren’t the first but the police hadn’t arrived yet.

I can’t imagine homeless people being able to survive in the middle of nowhere in the desert in 110 degree heat or trekking that far away from shelter, and the positioning didn’t look natural (head wasn’t turned sideways, so the face was directly down on the pavement plus the arm position)… but there was a lot of traffic for that time of night, and I can’t imagine a killer dumping a body with traffic blowing past.

What makes the most sense?

Now the extra wrinkle: a few weeks ago we were on the same stretch of road (give or take ~50 miles) at a similar time of night, and saw someone staggering down the right shoulder at a hurried pace. Again, nowhere near a town and no disabled vehicles or anything for miles.


Final wrinkles: three other bodies have been found in this region in the last 4-5 weeks along this interstate and another, none ruled homicide, minimal details available. There was also a drug related quintuple homicide in the middle of the desert maybe 50-100 miles away several months ago.

So, what the hell did we drive past? Lost hiker or homeless person dying of heat/dehydration way out in the middle of nowhere? Victim of a serial killer? Another drug homicide? Something I’m missing?

Ugh, apparently homeless people are being driven out into the desert by constant harassment and left to fend for themselves, and there are camps of hundreds of them. So it’s actually very plausible that an unhoused person died of heat and dehydration, perhaps seeking help along the highway, and just collapsed into an odd position.

Nice country. Supreme Court says you can haul people to jail for being homeless, police departments are like fuck that we will ship them out to the middle of the desert to die.

Richest country in world history

Hard to believe it was only two thousand and twenty four years ago that Americans gave King George and his history of repeated injuries and usurpations the finger and told him where to stick his establishment of an absolute Tyranny.

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I had to add ice cubes to my kids bath today because the running cold tap water was too hot.

Thanks obama

And great, came home from my night shift and my neighbors (not the ones I had issues with before) had an oopsie daisy and burned some of my fence real good. Looks like they left a sparkler in their trash can and it caught fire

4th of July kind of sucks man. First of all who really wants to celebrate this country right now, second fireworks absolutely suck ass, they injure tons of people and make super annoying loud noises, also the whole country is annoying and drunk, F holiday


I dislike holidays generally as someone whose work gets messed up by them to a degree that makes the time off not worth it… but 7/4 is extra shitty because it’s such a lame holiday.

Also this (air quality post-fireworks). So much for exercising outside this AM.

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Watching the parade in Philly for 248 years I was pondering if we make it to 250. Seriously.