2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Ok a lot of things about the 4th suck but we need a mid summer holiday IMO



That sucks, but it also could have sucked a lot worse if the fire spread, so I’m glad it only got to the fence. I imagine a lot of big fires in California start from fireworks.



Embryo biopsy came back:

Euploid (this is good, right number of chromosomes)

Male. I would have been happy either way, but it’s nice to have a chance at a boy after our first IVF attempts produced four XX embryos.


Neighbor came by to talk about last night. Was super considerate, going to take care of it all. Apparently is an ICU doc in the hospital I work at. Going to get together to hang out


Had a top 10-20 day of all time today. Just fucking solid all around. No notes.


I like it, but, minor nitpick: it’s not actually in the summer.

Instead of chores and working out, I’m surfing. Here’s a fun blast from the past

I started to read and then decided I’d look up the writer to see what they did now. Ah.


The Ohio Kerry vs Bush election was rigged. By the way of throwing people off the rolls, broken voting machines, people having to wait 8, 11 hors to vote. Also, the voting machine CEO was a Bush supporter and the company was located in Ohio. The machines could messed with and it wouldn’t need a far flung conspiracy (anonymous source). Every odd outcome, like precincts where more votes were cast for judge than POTUS were in the Republicans favour.


R/guitars dropped this in my feed today. Someone found this at an estate sale for $200. (I found the story believable).

TIL this is an og 1952 Gibson gold top worth 30 to 60K $.


idk much about guitars but surely anyone has to know that a Gibson in decent shape is worth more than two hundo?

Yeah any relative rich enough to have one of these was rich enough for me to get a sizable portion of their belongings appraised. Especially shit like old guitars, art, etc.

I hate to say someone deserves to sell something worth 30k for 200 bucks, but there’s a level of negligence where I start to lose any sympathy and this is pretty far past it.

Went to a talk that included the 1860 election. Apparently it’s well known in academic circles that 19th century voting was full of shenanigans. And that didn’t include the post reconstruction intimidation stuff.


Talked to IVF doc, 35% chance at a successful implantation, date tbd


What’s the play when getting a 2nd opinion? Should I tell the new doc that I’m there for a second opinion and explain what the first doc said or just play it as a new visit and see what they say?

I’d probably go with the first in your spot. It will be a huge time saver, imo. Presumably if you just show up, they are probably not going to jump to the heavy duty shit you mentioned upthread. They’ll suggest that you try some less hardcore stuff first, you’ll say you already did that, they will ask where you got it/who treated you and then you just end up in the first scenario anyway.

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Aren’t you going to have to show them your records anyway?