2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Whoops its from 2017.

there’s a pic on my instagram from like 9 years ago, it’s a selfie with my kids at the zoo with one of the pandas. Well, the other panda here recently died and now that pic is flooded with comments (some in mandarin, some in english) complaining about how the memphis zoo murders pandas.

well, do they?


i don’t even know where to put this.

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I don’t know, couldn’t we, you know come up with a simple guest worker deal so that, you know, folks from Mexico can easily work in the US, and even live on a temp basis in tbe US, so you know, they don’t have to be illegal. Be a good visiting resident, earn credit toward, you know becoming a citizen.

This all or nothing deal is ducking insane.

sure we COULD do that but that would be something something OPEN BORDERS why do you support FENTANYL SMUGGLERS???

driving in LA after days of monsoonal heavy rains is an adventure - looks like a scene out of a war movie, potholes so big they look like craters from a shelling

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Is all this moisture going to make a dent in long term drought conditions or nah?

if some of the rains make it to the colorado basin, then maybe.

this dumped snow into the mountains, the snow line is at like 1000 feet or something nutso right now. so I wouldn’t be surprised but who knows, this area isn’t supposed to support this many people to begin with.

Already has. Still in drought but improved from before

So my daughter is stupid tall (way above 99th percentile), which has prompted me to make all sorts of jokes about her playing gk like me, being in the wnba, be a volleyball player, etc. It was all a laugh for me.

Now though, at thirteen months, she just opened the front door and shit just got serious. She never got out, but my heart nearly did


You’re not alone:

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My son had to go into a regular little kids bed at 11 months. Safer than letting him crawl out of crib every night. He ended up very good at sports, but only 5-7.

But I never had anybody just go out the front door. Yikes.

one of my nephews is 50 lbs at 1.5 years (and not chubby). They’ve got him at 100th percentile in pretty much every category.

his dad is massive, and my sister is 6 foot - so he’s clearly gonna be a big boy. his dad wants him to get into hockey, but at a family gathering recently I saw this kid throwing absolute missiles with a rubber ball over and over for like an hour straight playing fetch with himself, and shot my bro in law several eyebrows about it.

I guess a big problem they’re having is because of the kid’s enormous size (like a 4-5 year old clothes they have him in now) people will often approach him and talk to him like you would a 4 year old and he still basically babbles in baby talk so people think he’s slow.

We ended up putting our son in a travel playpen/crib that had mesh siding so he couldn’t climb crib bars so ended up just doing same for our next kid from the beginning and not even bothering with cribs

Holy crap! Righty or lefty?

right, I feel kinda bad for him because lots of things designed for kids of that age he can’t do, like playground stuff (can’t fit in swings) and of course he’s unable to understand why

It’s kind of funny but also this guy needs legit mental health help.