2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

So I’m finally signed up here but have some reservations. My biggest concern with unstuck when it split from 2p2 was that it might not have the critical mass of engagement needed for a solid forum. Trump’s awfulness and everyone’s contributions solved that problem, and this forum seems like mostly better posters from unstuck. However, an offshoot of an offshoot forum is not ideal, but I’ll try to participate some.

What’s the full story with the split? Was it mainly the 3-5 genuinely bad posters that led to it? Is there a thread here?


There was lots of harassment going on behind the scenes (there still is, but it’s calmed down a bit as of late). There were also very legitimate privacy concerns, which I’m very certain you were made aware of at one point and the admin in question threatened litigation against the site if it was ever brought up, so any mention of it gets turbo deleted there (lol). This site’s focus has been to get away from drama and harassment, so dredging that stuff up has not seemed useful, nor do I think anyone really desires to. Best to live shitty ex’s as shitty ex’s.

It will never cease to amaze me what supposedly 40+ year old men (some with families!) will do with their free time.

I went down for a “quick” nap at 4pm and woke up at midnight, and now my sleep schedule is gonna be FUBAR for a month.


It’s jalfreizi, it’s always been him.


this clickbaity headline struck something as i’m constantly catching myself thinking in terms of imposter syndrome. and reading it didn’t help


Opinion This all-but-forgotten con man sold America on ‘fake it till you make it’

When newly minted salespeople found it impossible to make a go of it, they were told to “fake it until you make it,” by wearing expensive clothes and waving around $100 bills to lure in others, a disillusioned Oregon recruit testified in court in 1972. A few months later, another seller would tell a Florida courtroom that he, too, had been instructed to “fake it till you make it.” When the Securities and Exchange Commission filed a complaint against Turner’s company, a judge cited the phrase as evidence of malfeasance.

As far as I’ve been able to discover, these are among the first times that this now commonplace phrase received prominent mention in the media. Today, “fake it till you make it” has come to represent the scrappy, optimistic mind-set of American hustle culture. But as Turner’s saga shows, there’s a dark side baked into the “fake it” mentality: the fakers who attempt to win success through fraud, then never make good on their promises.

“It’s inherently manipulative, deceptive, fraudulent, inauthentic,” says Robert L. FitzPatrick, co-author of “False Profits: Seeking Financial and Spiritual Deliverance in Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid Schemes.” Yet, he adds, “it’s just entered the culture, and it’s completely normalized.”

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Generally we try to leave what happened at UP behind, and a major point of SPE is to move beyond that bullshit. We don’t have a thread to talk about it for those reasons.


Yeah I unapologetically was in full on fake it till you make it mode until my late 20’s. I didn’t know the origin of the phrase, but I am extremely certain that it was the right move. In real life if people smell poverty or desperation they run for the exits… which makes it much harder to stop being poor and desperate.

So you do everything you can to not be found out as struggling and exposed as an easy victim / someone to be feared. (And it’s both. Desperate people are dangerous and vulnerable. It’s high risk for everyone involved.)

There are probably degrees of inappropriateness to the “fake it part” but 100% if you sound like you are unsure in tech support you are likely to get steam rolled by the customer wanting to talk to someone with more experience. Which is fine for email support but probably crosses a line somewhere before making the wrong medical decision but doing it with authoritay.

Got a pair of HomePod 2’s this weekend and having them play along side the tiny air pod is more fun than one should have listening to music. The HomePods also work really well with my Apple TV.

I’m dead. I remember this tweet

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Ive looked into it, what im seeing is max 25 mins or so per battery (2 batteries is possible) and roughly 15 mins on full throttle. With my gas blower im refilling the gas 4-5x per session and blowing at full throtle between around 3 hours per time (once a week). Id need at least a 10-12 batteries and they arent cheap and dont recharge super quickly to the point you could be rotating them in and out.

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Yea if you need that run time, you’re definitely better off with gas, but good god what are you leaf blowing for 3 straight hours?

Welcome to the forums! We have been up for over two months now and we have a steady userbase and decent post/thread counts. To echo, @CaffeineNeeded, we do not generally discuss UP on this forum, to avoid exactly the kind of issues that were the downfall of UP.


picture the house/lot in the picture above but 10% of the size/niceness and surrounded by forest with 100s of mature maples.

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You have to be a bit insane to leaf blow that regularly. Get some mulching blades for your mower or a lawn sweeper. I live on several acres with lots of mature maples also, but I’d never dream of leaf blowing it all.

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i dont have that much grass, relatively speaking, maybe 4000sqft or so, mostly where the septic is (why i can have the electric mower). Its the driveway, hardscaping and garden/flower beds (10ksqft or so) that are the pain and that my wife insists on keeping/having cleared. If you dont blow regularly and the leaves get wet its really not fun, as im sure you know.

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good god

(Lady Gaga was number 1, which doesn’t make it any better)

No Whitney Housten… Steve Harvey looked like he was ready to walk out lol.

The entire ROOM seemed like they were ready to walk out.

The way they said “Reba McIntire???” just sent me