2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Taylor Swift not even on there? Wtf?

How is Adele not on there

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Tell me you asked 100 white people without saying you asked 100 white people…

Where’s Taylor Swift then?

There is probably an agist portion I missed, like white people over 30 or something. But really, that is a weird group who knows Lady Gaga but not Taylor Swift.

Looks more like white people over 60.

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A recent patent application from Ford Motor Company imagines a series of high-tech repossession measures like turning off the air conditioning or locking you out that could end with your car driving itself to the repossession lot.

But at this point, Ford says it’s just an idea.

“We do not have any plans to deploy this. We submit patents on new inventions as a normal course of business, but they aren’t necessarily an indication of new business or product plans,” said Ford spokesperson Wes Sherwood in an email.

40-something white moms love lady gaga

Is there a single person over 65 who would answer Cher or Reba for that question?

So a low key big part of my job as an ER doctor is to get people to do their jobs. I find a problem, that problem requires hospitalist/surgeon/neurologist/whatever. 99% of the time I call them and they’re like sure, I’ll be right there. Every once in awhile, they decide to do something fucking stupid.

When I was an intern, I’d get frustrated and essentially try to argue with them. I’d say stuff like “you’re wrong because XYZ”. Turns out that wasn’t very effective.

My wife taught me to turn that kind of statement into a question and play dumb. So I started saying things like “I’m just the ER doc, but what about X, Y or Z?” and try to have them explain it to me. About half the time they convince me, about half the time they realize they had made a mistake, and very rarely does it go beyond that.

(Also realized that my wife did this to me all the time - never marry a psychologist)

Used that skill for family yesterday. My mom has myasthenia gravis, which is an autoimmune disease where you create antibodies for the things that connect your nerves to your muscles, causing weakness. She’s tried huge doses of steroids and has also been on organ transplant level of immunosuppression for 6 months. She’s a little better, but still bad. Her doc, a bfd specialist, was holding out on starting something called IVIG, which is a temporary fix but she has needed it for awhile. She can barely walk 100 ft and can’t play with her grandkids, which is a massive downgrade in her life.

So I call in to the appointment, do my question tactic and she’s getting IVIG next week. I’m super happy and hopeful she makes a sudden improvement, even if only temporary.


My 19 month old baby tested positive for tuberculosis. I have no idea what this means. We see the pediatrician tomorrow. I hope they know what to do.


People also do a much better job when they think it was their idea. If you get someone to agree a task does in fact need to be done, and I do mean mentally agree it needs doing, they’ll usually knock it right out.

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Where do you live?

Yikes. How does the little one seem right now?

We are in Silicon Valley. He’s fine. It was a test for daycare. He probably caught it in Vietnam.

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Yeah, foreign travel is usually the culprit.

I imagine means you will pretty easily be referred to someone who handles this all the time (if the pediatrician doesn’t). If my memory serves me probably means chest X-ray +/- a blood test and taking oral meds for awhile.

My dad contracted TB after an overseas trip, weirdly my mom and I tested negative for antibodies despite living in the same house with him coughing all the time.

Yeah tb is weird in that it’s airborne, but it’s still a disease mostly associated with poverty. It doesn’t spread well in healthy well fed people outside of a prison scenario.

Give it some people who are vulnerable, and it spreads like wildfire

This guy has been focusing on TB for a bit if you need/want more info: